Letters to the Editor

Suffolk Christians’ love grows cold

James Thomas (“Panhandling ordinance is ‘cold-hearted,’” March 19) was right on about the way City Council handled panhandling.

Letters to the Editor

Promises not being met at Obici Place

A year ago, the Suffolk Economic Development Authority strongly recommended a mixed-use development for the old Obici Hospital ...

Letters to the Editor

Military divorces law should be changed

I urge Congress to take action to repeal or greatly modify the unfair "Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection ...

Letters to the Editor

Panhandling ordinance is ‘cold-hearted’

It is a shame that the City Council voted to regulate panhandling within 15 feet of most major ...

Letters to the Editor

Boys State help appreciated

Multiple individuals and organizations need to be recognized and thanked for their support for American Legion Post No. ...

Letters to the Editor

Unprotected, unhappy in Suffolk

I bought a 160-year-old home in the historic district in Suffolk, because the area was charming and beautiful, ...

Letters to the Editor

Clean Rivers support is needed

To the editor: Clean Rivers Month 2016, the entire month of April, is a community effort to clean ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for book-signing support

To the editor: Recently, I held a book signing at the North Suffolk Library and a slide presentation, ...

Letters to the Editor

People, not parties, need control

I have watched with waning surprise and growing dismay both the Democratic and Republican parties’ presidential debates.

Letters to the Editor

Girl Scout cookies fund important work

Everyone knows how tasty Girl Scout Cookies are. But there’s a lot more to Girl Scout Cookies than ...

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