Letters to the Editor

Treasuring memories of ‘Mama Carr’

To the editor: When Deborah Carr graduated from the Obici School of Nursing, she likely had no idea ...

Letters to the Editor

More stuff from local writers

I am an infrequent reader of the Suffolk News-Herald, only because I live on a farm and do ...

Letters to the Editor

Reminders of the ‘good old days’

Your columns, “A surprising Christmas gift,” and "The Best Christmas Gift of All" (Dec. 25) reminded me of ...

Letters to the Editor

‘Merry Christmas’ from now on

When December dawns, thoughts turn to the greatest of all seasons, Christmas.

Letters to the Editor

Suffolk churches should step up

How sad it is when a story in your hometown newspaper states that the Coalition Against Poverty in ...

Letters to the Editor

A story of redemption at Christmas

Dec. 2 started out as an ordinary day: breakfast, feeding the doggies and then opening Eagle Hobby Shop ...

Letters to the Editor

Clean up this mess!

I do not know who is responsible for the terrible eyesore of construction we have had to see ...

Letters to the Editor

Don’t replace Medicare with vouchers

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, Rep. Kevin Brady, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Rep. ...

Letters to the Editor

Common sense and freedom of religion

In recent years, we have seen God and our traditional Christian customs removed from our schools and government ...

Letters to the Editor

Trump is a ‘climate realist’

Regarding a letter in the Nov. 28 edition (“Protect commonwealth’s hunting interests”), I wan to note that it ...

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