Letters to the Editor

Alphin a great choice for delegate

To the editor: I heartily endorse Rex Alphin as candidate for the 64th District of the Virginia House ...

Letters to the Editor

Prepare for a mass exodus

The Suffolk School Board approved a proposed budget for 2017-2018 on Tuesday, despite several weeks of public outcry ...

Letters to the Editor

‘Lucky to get a raise at all’

It's disheartening and sad that teachers are doing a failing job in Suffolk and still complaining about getting ...

Letters to the Editor

Teachers don’t ‘just deal with it’

We have heard the School Board tell us to pull up our big girl’s and big boy’s britches ...

Letters to the Editor

Local educators make school suggestions

Following the recent controversy over the substantial raise awarded to Superintendent Deran Whitney last fall, the local members ...

Letters to the Editor

An Irish blessing

To the editor: In honor of St Patrick’s Day and of the millions of my fellow Irish Americans, ...

Letters to the Editor

Board should not operate in secrecy

I read your March 10, 2017, article entitled “18 Speak on School Budget”, and I’m quite disturbed with ...

Letters to the Editor

‘That’s why they make trash cans’

I don't know if anyone has noticed the amount of trash that is accumulating on our major highways ...

Letters to the Editor

Pay raises needed for lower levels

To the editor: I am a paraprofessional for Suffolk Public Schools. We are not stay-at-home mothers. We are ...

Letters to the Editor

King creates a community legacy

To the editor: Everyone needs to follow Cassie King’s lead. She has turned such a simple project into ...

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