Letters to the Editor

‘Here’s to more love, peace, unity’

To the editor: I don’t usually do things like this. I hardly speak my mind about the ongoing ...

Letters to the Editor

Help celebrate ‘central service’ professionals

To the editor: “Central service” professionals are being celebrated for their important role and commitment to patient safety ...

Letters to the Editor

Insurers should pay for proton therapy

To the editor: Cancer patients are being denied access to care, despite their doctors’ recommendation. Proton therapy is ...

Letters to the Editor

Why not make rocks harder to find?

To the editor: While I agree with the concluding sentence of the Oct. 5, 2017, editorial, “When the ...

Letters to the Editor

Brewer would be ‘a strong voice’

Early this year, I had the opportunity to meet Emily Brewer and learn that she intended to run ...

Letters to the Editor

An unexpected, rockin’ European vacation

Thanks to Gwen, age 5, a purple rock hidden at a AAA Travel Center recently returned from a ...

Letters to the Editor

Thanks for — and to — a great First Citizen

On Tuesday, the Rotary Clubs of Suffolk and North Suffolk honored the 2017 Suffolk First Citizen at the ...

Letters to the Editor

Trump hasn’t earned right to criticize

Donald Trump has never been in a class with a lot of black classmates. He has never been ...

Letters to the Editor

Carver, not Damiani, should be honored

As far back as 2004, there have been plans to recognize a nationally known figure on the Fairgrounds ...

Letters to the Editor

Tough words long overdue at U.N.

President Trump's recent address to the United Nations was most outstanding on behalf of Americans and our wonderful ...

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