
Suicide is a preventable tragedy

Dale Earnhardt Sr. Robin Williams. Anthony Bourdain. I’m not a huge pop-culture buff. I don’t get caught up ...


Respecting your spouse is important

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how important it is to respect your spouse.


Timely advice for graduates

Our business page here at the Suffolk News-Herald features a handful of rotating columnists, and one of those ...


SeAL Challenge was fun coverage

Now that I’m editor, I don’t get the chance to cover a lot of events. Reporters Alex Perry ...


Take in spring with all your senses

It tarried a little longer than most of us would have liked, but spring is finally here in ...


Tornado was unforgettable

Like most folks who were living or working in Suffolk at the time, I don’t think I’ll ever ...


Editor goes animal crackers

Every so often, it’s good to step out of your comfort zone. And for me, children are outside ...


Watch for motorcycles

Spring brings warmer weather, and as the real warm weather of spring is almost here at long last, ...


Voters, officials need more training

Virginia media reported this week that the State Board of Elections has updated its ballot standards to make ...


Legal notices are vital for citizens

The Virginia General Assembly completed its 2018 regular session Saturday, and once again, several state lawmakers, predictably, fought ...

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