
Pursuing ‘we-Life’ in an i-Culture

As followers of Jesus, we can sometimes be guilty of muddying the waters of the assignment our King ...


Orlando responses that missed the mark

It has happened yet again. We awoke Sunday morning to the news of another mass shooting.


An unexpected answer

Christians by definition believe in the supernatural. After all, at the heart of our faith is the belief ...


An urgent plea from a believer

The Gospel of Mark, which we are walking through on Sunday mornings at my church these days, is ...


Cultivate an attitude of gratitude

In his classic book, “The Screwtape Letters,” C.S. Lewis says this about Satan and demons: “There are two ...


‘Who then is this?’

The Sea of Galilee, in northern Israel, is one of the world’s most beautiful places. My trips to ...


Worried about the unforgiveable?

It was a junior high school youth retreat. Somehow, a discussion started in my small group about the ...


More popular than Jesus?

On Aug. 11, 1966, the Beatles’ plane touched down in America for what turned out to be their ...


Just keep on pressing on

For those of us who watch sports, there are some moments you just never forget. Sometimes the moments ...


True love and a buzzer-beater

Monday night’s NCAA men’s basketball championship game between the University of North Carolina and Villanova University was an ...

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