Latest Dennis Edwards


Grace, courage and discipline in death

They say how we die is at least as important as how we live.


A different act of love

Growing up in 1960s Suffolk was a daily adventure in contrasts.


Shadows in the background of life

Some people come to mind at the oddest times. A reference to a boarder in a TV show, ...


The Baron of BOO-YAH

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about life and death, especially since ESPN’s Stuart Scott died last weekend.


There’s something wrong here

As a columnist and minister, I'm compelled to analyze and reflect on the implications of my experiences in ...


The only thing to fear

Maybe it’s an echo from violent days gone by, warning something is spiraling out of control again. Maybe ...


The perfect political storm

One city official has called the results of this month’s Suffolk City Council elections a "sea change," a ...


Terms of endearment along Route 460

Like most folks around here, I’ve had a unique relationship with Route 460 between Suffolk and Petersburg.


A reunion re-opens old wells

They say old friends are the best friends. Time and life's infinite variations on tragedy and triumph have ...


Learning from Andy’s testimony

Some people are living examples of how we should never give up. They keep going, keep finding a ...

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