Latest Clay Scott

Clay Scott

Charter schools encourage engagement

My children’s school hosted its first SOL preparation meeting last week.

Clay Scott

Don’t be soft on competition

We’ve lost perspective in our society when it comes to competition.

Clay Scott

Diverse students warrant diverse schools

The Ritz-Carlton is the epitome of opulence. Motel 6 is simple and humble.

Clay Scott

Time’s up for critical thinking

Educators can’t stop talking about critical thinking.

Clay Scott

Fighting against the standards

One of the most basic lessons in human interaction is this: If you do not behave appropriately for ...

Clay Scott

Putting students in charge of classrooms

Progressives claim that traditional approaches to teaching diminish student agency and limit perspectives.

Clay Scott

The politics of public education

Progressives in the field of education believe there is no politically neutral position in education. I actually agree ...

Clay Scott

The politics of classroom power

Progressivism, especially that of John Dewey, is the main philosophy taught in schools and used to measure quality ...

Clay Scott

SOLs reduce total learning

The Virginia Standards of Learning are nearly 20 years old now, which means a number of graduating classes ...

Clay Scott

School choice means more freedom

I’ve been a school choice advocate for many years, but I recently concluded that school choice is not ...

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