Chris Surber

The poverty of greed

Be very careful what you allow your heart to desire.

Chris Surber

Church steeples and lowly peoples

Every now and then I meet someone who acts as though I am doing them a tremendous favor ...

Chris Surber

The truthfulness of truth

I once read in an easy commentary on modern times is that the word “honesty” is now preceded ...

Chris Surber

Joy from ashes

The sources of joy and comfort are not always the same.

Chris Surber

Remember who you are becoming

My 4-year-old son Ephram has a knack for highlighting obvious but profound truths to me.


Violence in our hearts

We live in a violent world. The world is what it is, because people make it the way ...

Chris Surber

Christianity and the Lorax

When I taught my now 4-year-old son not to litter, I never knew it meant he would become ...

Chris Surber

Compassion plus action

Keeping up with the news has always been dangerous business. This is particularly true for those of us ...

Chris Surber

Christianity and politics

Every political season, I wrestle with how my faith in Christ ought to influence my political views and ...

Chris Surber

The circus flies to Chicago

Traveling with small children on an airplane is something akin to intentionally placing upright tacks in one’s seat ...

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