Editor's pick

Making the connection

Most students at Hillpoint Elementary are from the surrounding subdivisions. But the school also draws from some downtown ...


Schools ask city for extra $3.5M

Despite indications from the superintendent that seeking smaller bonuses would have a better chance of success, School Board ...


Warriors ride defense, key hits

Lakeland High School’s baseball team was the first on the board, but host Nansemond River High School did ...


Event fights child abuse

Cedar Point Country Club will host an annual event against child abuse and neglect for the second year.

Editor's pick

A mind for maps

A Carrollton boy will compete against about 100 students in the state finals of the National Geographic Bee ...


Navy details command

The Navy has explained further details about a technology-related command that will be established at Lake View Technology ...

Editor's pick

City employees get healthy

City employees learned more about how to take care of their health during an employee wellness fair at ...


New Navy command coming

Another technology-related Navy command is coming to North Suffolk, Mayor Linda T. Johnson announced during the South Hampton ...

Editor's pick

Schools recognize top teachers

In Audrey Casazza’s sixth-grade math classroom, a cabinet on the back wall is festooned with the heartfelt birthday ...

Editor's pick

Trade zone benefits port

Port of Virginia users in Suffolk and several nearby localities stand to benefit after a U.S. Department of ...

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