Golf tourney a great idea, July 7, 2005

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 14, 2005

Great news for golfers in Suffolk. I saw flyers yesterday promoting the Suffolk Amateur Golf Championship July 22, 23 and 24.

The 54-hole stroke play event will take place on Nansemond River Golf Club, Suffolk Golf Course and Sleepy Hole Golf Course. I assume you'll play one round on each layout, ala Pebble Beach.. The tournament will be preflighted based on handicap.

Cost for the event is just $200, which is a real bargain when one considers green fees for the three courses. Probably only about $75 is going for prize money and incidentals.

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I wish I could play in it, but I likely will not. Had this been 10 years ago I would have been all over this, but if I tried to play 54 holes over three days, I'd be dead.

I can barely play 18 anymore. I've got 11 or 12 in me and then I start spraying shots everywhere and lose concentration. Typical score cards for me look like 37 going out and 47 coming in n there's always about a 10 stroke difference.

The deadline for playing in this event is July 18. Call 539-4356 to register. It should be a great success and a lot of fun, though it's likely to be miserably warm, but that normally doesn't deter committed linksters.

I'd recommend making the second annual Suffolk Amateur Golf Championship a springtime event.

Regardless, this was a great idea on someone's part and officials of three courses should be congratulated on working together to promote golf in Suffolk.

The little piece on sprawl I forwarded to you hear yesterday prompted the following email this morning:

"Time to bust the sprawl status quo!

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Sprawl Kills examines a combination of interrelated topics that no other book has achieved.

You can choose to ignore sprawl, but it will not ignore you. Readers will learn how to fight corrupt sprawl politics used by the sprawl industry, identify sprawl shills, identify true alternatives to sprawl, and kill sprawl, before it kills our country.

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The tipping point for a revolution in the housing and transportation markets is within sight.

Healthy active living can be promoted by replacing blandburbs with walkable real neighborhoods, designed on smart growth and New Urbanism principles.

No matter what else you've read, "Sprawl Kills" gives a new picture of what American society can and should be.

Learn how "sprawl politics" n aided by right-wing sprawl shills n have corrupted government and deprived Americans of housing and transportation choices, caused environmental damage and loss of greenspace, and harmed public health.

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