A way to apply for boating grants
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 18, 2005
OK, local organizations, nonprofits and others involving in boating safety, take note: this is one column you are going to want to read!
How many times has your group asked itself the following questions –
If we only had a little money just think of the great things we would do to promote safe boating, especially on our local waterways? How many times have you found that you have a wonderful group of hard charging volunteers only to find that the &uot;annual budget&uot; can’t support even the most basic costs? How many times have you said – we have a great idea…how can we make it a reality?
Well, local groups, who do much for our community (and you know who you are!!) – I have a possible solution! Read on.
TheBoatU.S. Foundation, perhaps one of this country’s premier groups involved in promoting safety on the water is again sponsoring its’ Boating Safety Grant Program. This annual program provides local organizations a chance to propose a program to promote boating safety. The local group provides the volunteers and the BoatU.S. Foundation provides the money to pay for it…..up to $4,000! The actual grants will be presented in early 2006.
According to the BoatU.S.’s Web site, &uot;Grants are open to small, local nonprofit groups and organizations, and are a unique way to increase safe boating practices around the country. The deadline to apply is Nov. 1, 2005.&uot;
This program is open to a wide spectrum of stakeholders. This can include canoe, boat and or yacht clubs, Coast Guard or Power Squadron flotillas and squadrons, and other similar organizations. Applying is simply a mouse click away! All you need to do is go to the URL listed here:
and download the application. If your group has questions the BoatU.S.
Foundation can be reached at 703-461-2878 ext. 8353.&uot;
Additionally, I would also recommend when you are finishing downloading the application that you sign up for the BoatU.S. Foundation e-newsletter. It is free and there is GREAT information for you, your group or organization involved in boating.
This has been an extraordinarily successful endeavor by a national organization to focus its efforts (and money) to local organizations that can tailor programs to meet the needs of a specific populace. The BoatU.S. Web site explains it this way, &uot;
Over the past 15 years, the Foundation has awarded over $615,000 in Boating Safety Grant funds to develop innovative projects that promote safe boating on local waterways.
Topics have ranged from creating literature on the effects of boating under the influence to boat ramp signage informing users about free vessel safety checks. &uot;
Until next week…Boat Safe, Boat Smart!
Joe DiRenzo III is a retired Coast Guard Officer and former Cutter Commanding Officer. Currently a Coast Guard civilian employee he is a Visiting Fellow at the Joint Forces Staff College and is a nationally known author on maritime and port security issues. He has written the safe boating column for the News-Herald for just under five years.