Jada exemplifies work of society

Published 7:35 pm Monday, August 22, 2011

It’s hard not to get emotional after hearing the story of Jada.

Animal Control officers found her this winter, chained in her owner’s backyard. She had no food or water and was lying in her own waste. Her body temperature and heart rate were far lower than they should have been — so much so that veterinary doctors wondered how she was alive.

In fact, a doctor at Bennett’s Creek Veterinary Care recommended euthanizing Jada right away. But then he looked in her eyes and decided to give her 24 hours.

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It’s difficult to imagine how any human could find enough cruelty within themselves to abuse or neglect an animal. But unfortunately, it happens every day around the world. In Suffolk, it’s less common, but even one abused animal is far too many.

That’s what the Suffolk Humane Society is working toward — a city with no abused or neglected animals. Jada is but one dog among many who have been helped in part because of the Suffolk Humane Society.

The society is holding its Mutt Strut on Sept. 18 at Sleepy Hole Park. They are raising money to further their goals of humane education, spay/neuter programs, adoption and fostering and other things that will improve the condition of animals in Suffolk.

You can support the humane society by visiting www.suffolkhumanesociety.com. You don’t have to have a “Mutt” to “Strut” at the event — you can walk in honor of a cat or other pet, or just walk because you love animals. They deserve all the support they can get.