Politicans have a favorite color and it#8217;s green Staff 09/03/2006 I was pleased to see a letter printed in The Virginian-Pilot from Robert M. Hayden on the leadership of elected officials. This th

Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 3, 2006

I was pleased to see a letter printed in The Virginian-Pilot from Robert M. Hayden on the

leadership of elected officials.

This theme parallels my letter printed last week in the Suffolk News-Herald.

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Leadership is the most important quality our senators and congressmen in Washington, D.C. should practice. Instead. they seem to be more interested in perks, politics and pork.

A book could be written on this subject, and many have.

It seems that with all of the purported knowledge that they claim to hold, they could come together for once and try to sensibly find solutions to the nations problems and needs — not other nations problems but ours.

Instead, they turn the business of the nation over to bureaucrats while they engage in the three P’s mentioned above.

They don’t even know or understand ramifications of legislation they pass because they don’t read the bills. Their votes are tainted by considerations of political gains and monetary benefits for them from big money lobbyists.

They attend sessions an average of 65 days a year and want, and get, a 10 percent raise.

Today I received in the mail, as many others did, a purported survey from Sen. Elizabeth Dole titled Republican Senate Leadership Survey.

It is not really a survey, but a campaign finance plea.

Five will get you ten that no senator will ever see the results of this document except possibly a report of the amount of money it brought in.

The only communication they want to hear from you is printed on green paper.

Macon N. Sanford
