67 Years Ago
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 9, 2006
Thanks given to Coulbourn
A rising vote of thanks was given to Edwin T. Coulbourn, Roll Call chairman, by the Executive Board of the Suffolk-Nansemond Red Cross at their session yesterday afternoon.
The meeting, which was presided over by J. Melvin Lovelace, general chairman of the Red Cross, was held in the Red Cross offices.
A budget of $1,280 was adopted by the board from their $1,300 share of the $2,200 raised during the drive.
The final report of the roll call was also made.
Committees heard from during the session included: Junior Red Cross, production, live saving and home hygiene and care for the sick.
Present at the meeting were: Mr. Lovelace, Mr. Coulbourn, Mrs. H. M. Butler, Mrs. Edwin C. Joyner, Mrs. Rosser Birdsong, Miss Edythe Ballard, C. M. Flintoff, the Rev. Carl B. Craig and L. H. Cathey.
Park now in control of school board
The Suffolk-Nansemond Ministerial Union last night petitioned the City Council to make a provision when leasing Peanut Park to prohibit the use of the park for commercial sports on Sundays.
The petition was presented by the Rev. Carl B. Craig.
After a recess by the council, at which time they discussed at length the petition of the ministers, they announced that they would grant control of the park to the School Board without recommending any bans.
Names signed to the petition of the Ministerial Union were:
Revs. H. N. Tucker, John J. Truitt, D.D., A. L. Franklin, D.D., N. H. Davis, H. J. Goodwin, D.D., I. W. Johnson, D.D., W. H. Corbitt, O. M. Clark, W. B. O’Neill, D.D., Arnold Slater, J. H. Synan, J. R. Stein, Fred A. Holden, William J. Work and Captain M. H. Draper.
In presenting the petition, the Rev. Mr. Craig said, “As individuals and taxpayers, and as ministers representing the churches of this city and county, we both individually and collectively, do earnestly request that in the granting or renewing of any lease to any person or persons for the use of the Suffolk Athletic Park, that a provision be placed in the lease that it shall not be used for the purpose of commercialized sports at any time Sundays, day or night.”
Noted author speaks to literary club
Miss Anne Green, noted author, was the guest speaker at the meeting of the Literary Club held yesterday at the home of Mrs. W. S. Beamon.
Miss Green, who is visiting in Suffolk, was presented by Miss Nancy Woolford, who was in charge of the program.
She told of her writings and some of her experiences in Paris.
Mrs. R. H. Pretlow presided at the meeting, and the members gave reports of interesting current events.
After the meeting, the hostess was assisted in serving by Mrs. Lee Britt, and Mrs. W. S. Cross.
Those present were Miss Sue Riddick, Mrs. T. H. Birdsong, Miss Dora Britt, Mrs. J. E. B. Holladay, Mrs. S. M. Lawrence, Mrs. H. N. Tucker, Mrs. H. L. Land, Mrs. James H. Corbitt, Miss Lulie Barham, Mrs. Earl Elmore, Mrs. Micheaux Raine, Jr., Mrs. F. A. Holladay, Mrs. Dudley Rollings, Miss Hallie Townes, Mrs. W. S. Cross, Mrs. R. H. Pretlow, Mrs. W. S. Beamon, Miss Anne Green, Mrs. Lee Britt, and Mrs. W. S. Cross.