Why I support Obama
Published 9:50 pm Monday, September 8, 2008
I am a 72-year-old Black/Native American. My father was Creole. My maternal grandfather was an Indian. I adopted my daughter whose birth mother was white and birth father was black. I had six brothers who served this country. One served in World War II, Two in Korea and two in Vietnam. One served three tours of duty in Vietnam, a Sergeant in the U.S. Marines Corp. I was visiting with my parents at the same time he came home and I will never forget the nightmares that he had–seeing little children killed. It was horrible! He went from bad to worse and never got the proper care that he really needed. This brother was never the same. He received recognition for his military service when he died: 21-gun salute but it was too late for him. All six of my brothers returned home to the United States and they were treated less than human because they were the wrong color.
I started working at the age of 14. I worked all week cleaning a house for a white family, washed and ironed their clothes and was paid $2.00 per week. I worked approximately 30 years and became disabled and had to start drawing SSI because I had worked for a medical school the four years prior to my disability and they did not pay into social security. I was sent a letter that said all qualifications needed to draw my social security when I turned 65 were met. However, when I turned 62 I was told that I had to switch from SSI to my social security retirement at a reduced rate and this reduced rate would continue even after I turned 65. I tried to fight it but was told that I had no choice because I got caught in the system. I wrote letters to the White House when I turned 65 seeking help with this issue but no one cared enough to even respond.
I lived in a community for the elderly and disabled for twelve years and I have witnessed several of the elderly who had to make a choice between paying for their medicine or buying food. I am not getting the medical care that I need after having major eye surgery because my co-pay for each visit is $40.00 that I cannot afford My granddaughter is in her second year of college (Nursing Program) at Norfolk State University, Norfolk Virginia and she€s already in debt with student loans to pay for her education. It has cost my grandson approximately $400 per month just to drive back and forth to his work locations in the Hampton Roads area.
(1) I want to see a president that I can respect, who has high moral values, integrity, and genuinely care about the people. (2) I do not want a president who separates me from the other people in the United States because I do not have an annual income in the millions. (3) I want a president who shows me that family is important by the way he respects his family. (4) I want a president who took the time to study the problems and create a plan and remain focused on the issues that need to be changed. (5) I want to see a president who has knowledge and the wisdom to apply that knowledge. (6) I want to see a president who has the ability to made good, sound decisions. (7) I want a president who is able to come before the nation and address the tough issues with honesty. (8) I want a president who can lead by example. (9) I want a president who can take the negative and address it in a positive manner with calmness. (10) I want a president who does not promote hi
mself but promotes what is best for ALL, the American people. (11) I want a president who will bring change in America—thus bring change to the world. (12) I want a president who knows how to bring people of all colors, cultural, economic background, age, and gender: republicans, democrats and independents together as one nation. (13) I want a president who does not play games to try and win the election but continues to stand on the truth. This is a portion of my story and this is why I support Senator Barack Obama for president of the United States of America.
F, Harris (grandmother)