Milteer has fought to improve

Published 9:18 pm Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The voters of the Whaleyville Borough have repeatedly selected Curtis R. Milteer Sr. to represent them on Suffolk City Council since 1980. In each election since then, voters showed their confidence and growing respect by returning them as their advocate for business with the City of Suffolk.

Immediately after taking office, Mr. Milteer began working to make public sewers available in the Saratoga and South Suffolk communities and to eliminate pit privies. That effort was followed by installation of curbs and gutters to improve drainage.

A new, state-of-the-art firehouse was built and staffed full-time in Whaleyville, and it has since expanded to provide emergency medical support to the community.

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On that same property, an abandoned building was renovated to serve the community for recreation, social purposes and a voting site.

Today, a new, state-of-the-art $4.5-million public water facility has been built to replace an inadequate system for the community and to enhance fire protection in the rural area.

The list of capital accomplishments for the Whaleyville Borough includes much more.

Perhaps Mr. Milteer’s greatest credit is his availability. He is a full-time public servant, who dedicates his life to his job as councilman. He attends civic league meetings, staying connected with as many citizens as possible. He attends regional municipal meetings to become knowledgeable of other municipalities’ policies and to learn to apply their lessons to improve the quality of life in the City of Suffolk.

Mr. Milteer’s history of increasing voter confidence — revealed at the polls — is a result of his hard work and accomplishments on behalf of those he represents.

The issues facing the Whaleyville Borough and the City of Suffolk demand decisions that are based on knowledge and experience. They will require a determination to serve the best collective interest of the taxpayers — while standing face-to-face against opposition — along with the ability to build a consensus.

We are blessed to have someone with Mr. Milteer’s track record as a candidate to represent the Whaleyville Borough on Suffolk’s City Council.

Howard C. Benton
