Local women honor crime victims’ rights

Published 10:28 pm Saturday, May 2, 2009

Last week, two local women recognized National Crime Victims Rights Week by sharing their experiences with Virginia women about to be released from jail.

Laverne Flythe and Betty Wesson visited the Cognitive Community (CC) program at the Brunswick Women’s Reception and Pre-Release Center, located in Lawrenceville, Va. During their visit, Mrs. Flythe shared her personal story of the 1997 murder of her son, Dameyon Flythe, and Mrs. Wesson shared the trials she has experienced regarding her son’s drug addiction. The program participants were very thankful to have the guests and they were able to gain insight and empathy as to how crime affects victims.

During the week, the participants held various other activities to raise awareness of crime victims rights. On Monday, participants created a memorial wall with paper bricks identifying their personal victims. Also that day, Victim Services Director Wendy Lohr-Hopps and Michelle Miles, victim services assistant director, spoke to the program participants sharing information regarding the Department of Corrections Victim Services Unit and insight into victim empathy. On Wednesday and Thursday, the offenders were provided statistical information and insight regarding crime through activities and handouts. On Friday, State Trooper M. Wrenn visited the program to conclude the week and provide additional information regarding crime and society. An expression of art contest was held in recognition of the week as well.

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