Bennett’s Creek Quarter proffer approved

Published 5:16 pm Friday, June 16, 2023

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Proffer conditions for development of Bennett’s Creek Quarter won City Council’s approval as members considered it during the Wednesday, June 7 meeting.

The hearing at Council Chambers in City Hall comes after council tabled action at its Feb. 15 meeting where council members tabled the ordinance to the current meeting.

“This rezoning has quite a history, but it goes back to 2018 when it was rezoned from RR, that’s residential rural, to RU [Residential Urban] at the time,” Suffolk Director of Planning and Community Development Kevin Wyne said. “And that would allow for ultimately 417 units as proposed by the developer, and this development is located just off of Shoulders Hill Road, south of its intersection with Route 17 Bridge Road there in the northern growth area of the city, designated entering suburban use district.” 

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Wyne said the developer requested the amendment of Proffer No. 3 to allow a “year over year” sequencing, issuing 56 new dwelling units this year, 48 units in 2024 and 82 in 2025. It is noted that the remainder of units will be issued certificates of occupancy in 2026.

“In closing, staff can not support the amendment as proposed by the applicant because the level of service just does not exist at that intersection currently and as such, it does not comply with our UDO (Unified Development Ordinance) requirements as it relates to level of service in adequate public facilities,” Wyne said.

Councilman Roger Fawcett supported the amended 2023 proffer that the developer has provided. Fawcett noted that developer John Napolitano has done everything council members have asked of him.

“The people have to realize that the roadways’ going to get done and the public works director is trying his due diligence to push this project to get it on the road to getting it done,” Fawcett said. “Meanwhile the roadway will be open through passage throughout the construction, so it’s not going to be any more of a hindrance than it is today.”

Also in favor of the proffer, Council Member Shelley Butler-Barlow asked a question regarding proffer No. 3’s quote, “When construction of Bridge Road and Shoulders Hill Road is built this proffer will be eliminated.”

“I am understanding that to mean that roadways will be completed, if the infrastructure is in place, then we don’t need the schedule,” Butler–Barlow asked.

Mayor Mike Duman affirmatively responded saying, “Correct. Good question.”

The ordinance won approval on a unanimous 8-0 vote.