Column – Resurrection Sunday, like spring, mean greater things to come
Published 5:56 pm Friday, March 31, 2023
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Spring is a welcoming season, the thought of which causes me to consider good things, circumstances and events that are coming to fruition. Among other things, I appreciate the warmer weather, birds chirping, flowers blooming and longer daylight hours. This season also has spiritual implications that speak of revitalization.
Spring has become my favorite season as it transitions into new beginnings after the winter months when aspects of death occur in nature. During this season, it’s nice to get up in the morning hearing birds chirping and to travel throughout the day seeing flowers blooming. Although the official start of spring is not until March 20, it is refreshing to experience longer periods of sunlight with Daylight Savings Time.
Sights and sounds of nature present at spring remind me of encouraging Scripture that centers around the blessing of God’s provision, the beauty of His creation and the assuredness of His sovereignty. Luke 12: 24 – 28 encourages me to consider that if God provides for the birds and He clothes the flowers, how much more will He do for me as His follower. In Psalm 104:12 the psalmist also acknowledges how birds nest beside the streams and sing among the trees. The writer of Ecclesiastes 11:7 commented about how pleasant and sweet it is to see the sun and to experience light.
Spiritual renewal may also occur at springtime especially during the observance of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter, or what I refer to as Resurrection Sunday, is a religious observance of the Christian faith that is always held on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25. This year it will be April 9.
Celebration of that holiday brings back childhood memories of getting dressed to attend church, memorizing and reciting Easter themed poetry, and searching for eggs during community wide events. As I mature emotionally and spiritually, Resurrection Sunday develops deeper significance. After giving my life to Christ at age 16, I have gained a greater appreciation for Jesus’ saving power as demonstrated by Him dying on the cross and miraculously being risen to life to pay the price for my sins.
Acknowledgment of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection also makes me consider His role as soon coming King which speaks of His eventual return to earth. According to John 14:2-3, Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare to place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself…”
“Greater is coming,” is a phrase sometimes used to brighten people’s days with hope and expectancy about what is to come. Just as Springtime brings signs of new life and light after a wintry season, Christ’s death, burial, resurrection and promise of an eventual return can bring hope and peace. For me, spring has new meaning that speaks of nature, beauty and God-given joy. It’s a great time to celebrate.