Board makes right decision
Published 10:01 pm Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday night, the Suffolk School Board made the right decision. In an overwhelming vote, the board decided to close two community elementary schools and work to construct one, new school to serve both areas.
The decision makes perfect fiscal sense and we applaud the board in their decision.
But, with each decision comes a downside. And for the Whaleyville and Holland communities the downside is what some are calling a loss of identity.
The board’s decision was not easy. Simply take into account how long they’ve discussed this idea and the number of times a vote has been delayed.
Often times, vibrant schools are the heart of a community. And, in small communities the school is the center of life which includes dances, graduations and other events. And, regardless of time and distance, many return home and make sure a drive past their old school is on the to-do list.
But, in a world where governmental purses tied to sales taxes are dwindling, decisions – and often tough, unfavorable decisions – must be made.
We elect our leaders to be good stewards of our money and make decisions for the good of the entire community, not just one voting block.
And while we do commend the board for this decision we now challenge them to make quick work of naming the location of the new school and begin construction. The last thing either of these communities need is another drawn out process lasting months and years.
We also challenge them to find creative and positive uses for the old buildings. Keeping these buildings active is not only important to the programs they may house but to the communities these buildings call home.