Urge Congress to improve workforce

Published 10:28 pm Friday, September 6, 2019

To the editor:

September is National Workforce Development Month, and I am passionate about the people that work in aging services and provide care for the older adults in our community. In my position at Lake Prince Woods, I am concerned about the shortage of workers for aging services, and I am asking Congress to do their part to help us develop a workforce to care for our family members.

The United States has a significant shortage of qualified workers who are capable of managing, supervising and providing high-quality services and supports for older adults. The population of adults age 65 and older will increase from nearly 50 million in 2015 to 88 million in 2050 — an 84-percent increase. Our nation will need 2.5 million workers of all different types by 2030 to keep up with the growth of America’s aging population.

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I am asking Congress to take action and ensure that there are sufficient numbers of staff available and working at all levels of aging services. Congress should increase the ability of aging services providers like me to recruit and retain quality staff and work to strengthen the pipeline of individuals who are motivated to care for our family members in our community.

Take a moment and call your legislator’s office and tell them you are a constituent and you support National Workforce Development Month and urge Congress to create programs that will help recruit new workers for aging services.

Judy Raymond

Executive Director, Lake Prince Woods