Suffolk Transit to offer public survey

Published 9:36 pm Monday, February 4, 2019

Suffolk Transit is soliciting feedback on what improvements residents would like to see in the transportation system.

The public survey, which began Monday, is related to its Transit Development Plan, which will serve as a road map for possible future public transportation improvements in Suffolk, according to a city press release.

Suffolk Transit last completed this process in January 2014. Because of limited resources, the press release stated, Suffolk Transit cannot promise specific improvements and is not proposing changes to service, though it wants to prioritize improvements based on residents’ feedback. If service is altered in the future, the press release said riders would be notified ahead of time.

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Last July, Suffolk Transit extended weekday hours and Saturday service, and it also updated and renamed routes. Those changes were in direct response to users who had called for the changes.

The city was a member of the regional Hampton Roads Transit until Jan. 1, 2012, when the city decided to contract with a private vendor to operate bus services after HRT had proposed cutting service on Suffolk-based routes.

The Downtown Transfer Station at 330 N. Main St. hosted a pop-up information session Monday, and planned to do so again Tuesday morning from 8:15 until 10:30 to talk with riders and help them with the survey.

The survey will be open through Feb. 22 and is available on Suffolk Transit buses, at Suffolk Public Library locations and online at