Church youth present MLK program
Published 10:31 pm Tuesday, January 22, 2019
By Tangie General
Special to the News-Herald
“I still have a dream” was the theme for a youth program on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. presented by the Youth Ministry of Perfecting Saints Church of God in Christ on Sunday.
The youth talked about their aspirations, including to be in the WNBA, become a pediatrician, own a multi-million-dollar company and end homelessness. The Youth Ministry detailed stages of King’s life. They each told King’s impact on our society and their personal lives.
“The dream still lives on,” said 13-year-old Cameron General, “and I’m grateful to know I live in a society where I can accomplish my goals.”
The Youth Ministry also discussed challenges they face and how, by the grace of God, they, too, will overcome.
Youth leaders Keosha Riddick and Channel Simmons worked with the children to research, write their statements and sing “We Shall Overcome” during the Sunday morning worship service. “It was important that the youth researched about Dr. King’s life for themselves,” Riddick said. “They hear all day long from us and our testimonies. We felt it was important for them to have their own personal account. We wanted them to know they too have dreams and the ability to overcome any obstacles.”
“We know times have changed, and our youth are faced with innumerable challenges, such as cyber-bullying and violence in schools,” Simmons said. “We view and treat our youth as leaders of today, not tomorrow. They are the pillars of our economy and shape the direction of what the future looks like.”
Zyiah Beamon, 10, was elated to work on the project and shared her dream of one day opening a homeless shelter. She currently volunteers with the ministry to collect non-perishables for different food banks, help serve meals to the homeless and distribute lunch bags in her surrounding community.
The Youth Ministry is looking forward to spearheading other events to honor King year-round.