Police Reports for Sept. 24

Published 10:10 pm Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The following information comes directly from the City of Suffolk Department of Media and Community Relations. It should be noted that a criminal charge is only an accusation and does not indicate a conviction has or will be attained nor that the party listed in the arrest report is guilty of the crime listed.

September 24


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Driving under the influence of alcohol, Bridge Road

Vandalism of private property, Nancy Drive

Possession of marijuana, Briand Lane

Destruction of property, South Saratoga Street

Aggravated assault, Nansemond Parkway

Lost or stolen, Burbage Drive

Simple assault, Nansemond Parkway

Bad checks, East Constance Road

Identity theft, Kilby Avenue

Fugitive, out of state, Godwin Boulevard

Drugs, possession with intent to distribute marijuana, East Washington Street

Non-reportable offenses, Shepherd Street

Obtain money by false pretenses, Olde Mill Creek Drive

Breaking and entering, residential, Howard Place

Grand larceny, Manning Bridge Road

Runaway juvenile, Pinner Street

Breaking and entering, residential, O’Kelly Drive

Hit and run, College Drive

Theft from motor vehicle, North Main Street

Non-reportable offenses, Manning Road

Simple assault, North Broad Street

Simple domestic assault, Webb Street

Assault by mob, North Broad Street

Lost or stolen, Mill Wood Way

Hit and run, Meade Parkway

Drugs, possess heroin, Carolina Road


Lavontrel Tyron Lemons, 23, contempt of court (M)

Kristy Lynn Hanks, 32, disorderly conduct (M)

Tierro Laprix Williams, 33, fugitive from justice (F)

Justin Neal Drury, 30, contempt of court (M)

Harriet Steel Wills, 90, aggressive driving (M)

Rontrell Lamont Boykins, 32, disorderly conduct (M)

Trashion Brown, 25, assault and battery of family member (M)

Demontae Nijear Wilson, 20, disorderly conduct (M)

M – Misdemeanor

F – Felony