SCA team builds character

Published 3:45 pm Saturday, June 24, 2017

Suffolk Christian Academy’s softball team kept success in mind during a difficult season, emerging with its character burnished through the trials.

The Lady Knights didn’t have the season they’d like to have had this year. There were a couple of critical injuries that hampered the team’s win-loss record. Despite the unfortunate injuries, the Lady Knights still had a successful season. They gave it their all every game, and that contributed to a great team attitude.

The SCA team consisted of 17 girls from sixth grade to 11th grade. They comprised a junior varsity and junior JV team that entertained a varsity schedule. Because of that tough schedule, Lady Knights coach Robbie Lester was able to see his team gain great experience.

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“You learn a whole lot more playing against tougher teams and even losing to tougher teams,” Lester said. “We had strong matchups where the girls were able to improve their game. Later on in the season the tougher games we played before helped them with their confidence.”

Lester’s coaching style encourages his players to help bring each other together. In a way, that helps put players in a less stressful environment. If Lester can mention a thing or two to his captains and have them pass it down, it will be received better, he said.

“I don’t do much yelling; that’s not much my style,” Lester said. “Il let my captains handle as much as they can. So when they pass something down to their teammates, it’s like hearing it from a big sister. If something did not go right, the girls always told each other next time.”

Lester feels good about his players, because they understand where they need to develop. He preaches having good character to his team. Having a good attitude and playing the game the right way will lead to success, he said.

“If we build character first and instill a foundation, that will show up on the field,” Lester said. “It’s good having the girls pick each other up and cheer each other on, even when someone is having a bad day.”

Back in May, the Lady Knights participated in the NACA tournament in Tennessee. They finished eighth in the tournament. One of the biggest moments for SCA was when pitcher Regan Lynn threw a no-hitter. Lynn and Channing Acree were All-Tournament selections. Acree batted .700 for the whole tournament.

Suffolk is a long drive from Tennessee. Lester joked about that being the only thing everyone didn’t like about the trip. However, it was a good experience for SCA to be able to travel and play against good competition.

“It was good for the girls,” Lester said. “We made sure we included our devotions in our trip, as well, so that the girls still got life lessons. It was a good time for everyone.”