Alphin has ‘connection to the people’

Published 10:13 pm Saturday, May 20, 2017

To the editor:

Rex Alphin has shown in several ways that he has the ability, desire and leadership skills to be the right choice for delegate for the 64th District .

Rex has lived in this district all of his life. He has invested economically in the district and farmed the land in this district for 40 years. If you have ever had the pleasure of meeting Rex, you know that he is a man who loves the land and the rural culture of this district.

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Rex supports small business. He has owned three businesses, all located in the 64th District.

Rex has a connection to the people. He listens and wants to know your thoughts, ideas and concerns.

He has been a voice in local government, serving on the Isle of Wight Planning Commission as well as six years on the Board of Supervisors. Having this experience and his strong integrity makes Rex Alphin the right person to represent the 64th District as Delegate.

I hope you will agree and support Rex on June 13 at the polls.

Lisa W. Arrington
