Board should not operate in secrecy

Published 7:13 pm Saturday, March 11, 2017

To the editor:

I read your March 10, 2017, article entitled “18 Speak on School Budget”, and I’m quite disturbed with what seems to be a gross lack of transparency in how the School Board approaches a raise for the superintendent that was in their school budget, but apparently has already been approved and is being paid.

From the information in your article, it appears that the School Board raised the Superintendent’s salary from approximately $177,000 a year to approximately $200,000 a year in July, so it appears in the new budget that his raise would only be $2,000.

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This is grossly inaccurate, and I would ask that the School Board produce documents showing that this raise was discussed and voted on in public.

If the School Board, which is an elected body, has chosen to ignore what should be routine procedures of discussion, disclosure and public vote on such an important item, then shame on them.

By comparison, the outcry of such an act, had it happened at the City Council level, would reverberate into and way past the next Council election.

Perhaps those few critics of the School Board and school administration in years past had some legitimate concerns, if this is the way the School Board is going to operate.

If they chose to keep us in the dark, then we as voters need to remember that when School Board members seek reelection.

Beverly Dhaliwal
