Two local Chowan students honored

Published 7:01 pm Saturday, March 4, 2017

Chowan University annually participates in the national “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges” program as a way of recognizing the outstanding achievement of its students. Chowan looks for students who have excelled in the classroom and who have expanded their college experiences by being active in campus and community projects and events.

Students are first nominated by members of the faculty and staff. Using specific requirements, the nominations are then reviewed by the Honors Committee. These requirements include: scholarship ability with an overall GPA of 3.0 or better, active participation and leadership in academic and extra-curricular activities, citizenship and service to the university and potential for future achievement.

The Honors Committee selected 27 students for inclusion this year. The honorees were presented with a certificate at the Who’s Who Recognition Ceremony on Feb. 15 in Turner Auditorium.

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Two from Suffolk were among the honorees. They are listed below with some of their awards, accomplishments and organizations.

4Calvin Bowe, a senior criminal justice major — Alpha Chi Honor Society SGA Representative, Alpha Chi Honor Society National Convention Presenter, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society Secretary, Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society Vice President, Brown Lady Academic Bowl Criminal Justice Team, Chowan University Student Research Conference Presenter, Commencement Marshal, Criminal Justice Club Vice President, Dean’s List, Honors College, Honors College 1848 Service Award, Honors College Outstanding Junior Award, Honors College Outstanding Senior Award, Honors College Student Association Public Relations Officer, Honors College Veritas Lux Mea Award, Leadership Scholar, Peer Mentor, People of Progress SGA Representative, Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society, Pi Gamma Mu Scholarship Award, President’s List, Presidential Ambassador, Rotaract Club, Who’s Who 2016

4Kevin Wilson, a senior criminal justice major — Alpha Chi Honor Society, Alpha Chi Honor Society National Convention Presenter, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Alpha Phi Sigma Honor Society Vice President, Brown Lady Academic Bowl Criminal Justice Team, Campus Ministry, Chowan University Student Research Conference Presenter, Commencement Marshal, Criminal Justice Club President, Dean’s List, Peer Mentor, Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society, President’s List, Presidential Ambassador, Resident Director