‘A watch guard’ for Suffolk

Published 9:15 pm Tuesday, October 25, 2016

To the editor:

I have had the pleasure to serve with Roger Fawcett the past two years on the Suffolk City Council.

Roger is a man of great integrity and has put in countless hours working for the betterment of the Sleepy Hole Borough and the city of Suffolk. He is a great advocate for the improvement of our schools and public safety.

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Roger is fiscally responsible and is a watch guard over how the city manages its funds. His goal is to make every effort to keep taxes at a reasonable level.

Encouraging economic development growth with new businesses and jobs has been a priority in Roger’s efforts to improve our city, along with parks and recreation, public utilities and public works.

Roger attends many local functions, such as groundbreaking and ribbon-cutting events, civic league meetings, special training programs and events sponsored by the city.

I hope the voters appreciate Roger’s dedicated efforts on behalf of the city of Suffolk and that they will vote to re-elect him to the Suffolk City Council.

Don Goldberg
