Look for a leader who will serve
Published 9:27 pm Wednesday, September 21, 2016
By Domenick Epps
Jesus was and is the epitome of a leader. Many leaders today would rather serve from a management posture. Great leadership however, starts with the leader being willing to serve. A leader who will serve is a leader who can lead.
“If I then, your Lord and Master, has washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” John 13:14
Jesus made it clear in the washing of His disciples’ feet that no one is so high that they cannot come down low to serve. Those men walked miles and miles a day in the dirt and in the grass with sandals on their feet, which meant that when it was time for supper, their feet were filthy.
But our Lord and Master took off His girdle, which is symbolic to Him taking off His title, and stooped down and started washing. What I love even more about it is that this was not done for show.
He did this in private and not in the market square. There was no live Facebook, no news reporters, no open display to the public, just Jesus and His 12 disciples.
He demonstrated what pure service looks like. He demonstrated that you cannot lead without serving — serving with no ulterior motive or political plot, but doing so because that’s what leaders do.
I have seen my share of both. I have seen leaders who serve for attention and leaders who serve because they are leaders.
This election has brought out both, in which regard it is similar to an interview process.
I don’t know anyone who had an impressive resume who sat down in front of the hiring manager and said, “I just want you to know that I call out of work after pay day and I don’t work on my birthday.
Also, if you expect me to do more than what you pay me for, I will not do so. And if you pay me hourly, I will find a way to milk the clock. Oh yeah, Mr. Supervisor, when I break, I break. On your time, I will spend about two hours on social media. I will also come in late and leave early.”
Do you know anyone that did such? Of course not, but big businesses are smart. They have what is called a probation period. They have seen hundreds and thousands come in and out, and they have learned that not all who speak well serve. Also, the probation period comes with no benefits because you must earn them.
Well Suffolkians, let the candidates earn your vote, because many have great resumes but are not willing to come down and serve. Many are eloquent and fluent in speech, but they will not serve and they will not even engage in dialogue with our youth.
“It’s their parents’ job to raise them,” one city councilman said, a councilman who grew up in aera when it took a village to raise a child. I guess he wasn’t interested in speaking to them, because they are not able to vote — yet.
Stay watchful and remain prayerful.
Domenick Epps is a Suffolk resident, real estate agent and youth pastor. Email him at DomenickEpps.Realtor@gmail.com.