A firearms quiz for candidates

Published 12:25 am Saturday, October 10, 2015

To the editor:

The following non-judgmental quiz should be answered by all candidates for public office so constituents know who they are electing and where they stand.

1. Do you own a firearm?

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2. Do you own multiple firearms?

3. Do you favor the use of firearms for hunting?

4. Do you favor the written registration of gun sales, even by Internet and at gun shows?

5. Do you favor background checks for all gun sales?

6. Do you favor gun sales to convicted felons?

7. Do you favor gun sales to persons with a history of mental illness?

8. Do you favor gun sales to persons who have had domestic relations restraining orders?

9. Do you favor gun sales to persons convicted of violent misdemeanors?

10. Do you favor gun sales to persons who have drug convictions in their past?

11. Do you favor gun sales to persons under the age of 21?

12. Do you favor gun sales to illegal immigrants?

13. Do you favor gun sales of fully automatic weapons?

14. Do you favor gun sales of semi-automatic weapons?

15. Do you favor sales of magazines with more than 10 rounds?

16. Do you favor the sales of body armor to civilians?

17. Do you favor the sale of armor-piercing ammo to civilians?

18. Do you favor “open carry” in school zones?

19. Do you favor “open carry” in bars?

20. Do you believe firearms training should be mandatory for all gun buyers?

Biff Andrews
