‘All lives matter’ event set

Published 9:10 pm Monday, August 17, 2015

An event this Saturday will give away school supplies along with a positive message, according to its organizer.

“When I worked in the school system, I saw there was a need for kids that couldn’t come back to school with the things they needed because of their low-income families,” said Tonya Bishop. “It’s about giving back to the youth, but I don’t want them to feel like we’re just giving away something. I want you to get a message as well.”

Bishop said she’s been doing the event — this year titled “All Lives Matter” — for about three or four years now.

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It will include food and games, a presentation by the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office and guest speakers as well. Everything is free.

“We want children to have positive environments,” Bishop said. “We’re trying to teach self-esteem, confidence, teamwork, how to communicate.”

She said the name of the event was taken from the “Black Lives Matter” rallying cry that has gained a foothold in the last year or so after several shootings of black people by police officers in America.

“All lives matter,” she said. “What about the child that’s not black that may be having some problem?”

She said organizers hope to reach children who don’t ordinarily go to church and who may be struggling in their family life or at school.

“A lot of kids don’t get to go to church,” Bishop said. “Instead of being judgmental, we’re meeting them where they are.”

The guest speakers will be the Rev. John Moore from the Experience Church as well as Troy Baker.

Yucca Youth Group from Total Transformation House of Praise, started by the late Bishop D.L. Whitfield, is a partner this year to help with backpacks and school supplies to give away, Bishop said. The Triangle Movement is also a partner.

Her group has done several fundraisers, including a car wash and food sales, to raise money to put the event on for free, Bishop said.

Saturday’s event will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 168 Tynes St. Call 347-1290 or email prayministries19@gmail.com.