The war hero and the draft deferrer

Published 9:23 pm Thursday, July 23, 2015

By Frank Roberts

I’m not a political animal, but even those of us who would rather eat dirt than get involved with politics are weighing in on the current Trump-McCain bitter battle.

Also, I don’t play bridge, but I did find out that “trump” and “no trump” are terms of the game. Politically, I opt for “No Trump.”

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While John McCain was being held as a prisoner of war — five horrendous years in a camp in North Vietnam — Donald Trump was counting his millions. He did, however, take time out to make sure his five draft deferments were in order.

Of course, bless his li’l heart, Trump said he would have served if his draft number had come up. Wish I had thought of that. I had no number, so I volunteered. Jeez!

While McCain was being beaten, deprived of decent food and languishing in a cold, damp cell, Trump was enjoying the luxury of the land.

There is a common ground. Trump wants to be president of the United States. McCain, too, has sought the office. Both ally themselves with the Republican Party.

Here’s the difference, as stated by Secretary of State John F. Kerry (a Democrat): “John McCain is a hero, a man of grit and guts. He served and bled and endured unspeakable acts of torture. His captors broke his bones, but they couldn’t break his spirit, which is why he refused early release when he had the chance. That’s heroism, pure and simple, and it is unimpeachable.”

I’m not bestowing sainthood on McCain. He ran out on his wife and three kids, later marrying a lovely blonde.

The ex-wife lives in what the London Daily Mail refers to as, “a bungalow in Virginia Beach.” They unkindly refer to that city as a “faded seaside resort.”

I wonder if that ever has been reported by area media?

Speaking of the media, when Trump announced his candidacy, the New York Daily News announced it with this headline: “Clown Runs For President.”

Hmmm, unkind perhaps, but….

On the subject of politicians, President Lyndon Johnson had a bright idea on how to catch high cabinet members who were leaking to reporters what was told to them by the president in secret.

He wrote a memorandum about an important financial decision and gave a copy to each of his 12 staff members. Each copy had a different set of numbers. Whichever set of numbers appeared in the press, then — ah-ha! — he had his culprit. As it turned out, the numbers in the paper were from the copy he had in his desk drawer.

On the subject of that family — while important meetings were going on, wife, Bess, nightgown-clad, was watching “Bonanza.”

Closing up shop with the figures: America’s approval rating has dropped to 58 percent in Britain, 37 percent in France, and 5 percent in Jordan. That’s from historian Stephen Fender.

Have a happy summer. Well, try to, anyway.

During a 60-year career spanning newspapers, radio and television, Frank Roberts has been there and done that. Today, he’s doing it in retirement from North Carolina, but he continues to keep an eye set on Suffolk and an ear cocked on country music. Email him at