A deserving Dominion employee

Published 9:23 pm Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Some people make better use of their time than others. Suffolk’s Matt Adams takes that truism to a completely different level.

Adams has set a great example for volunteers within a company — Dominion — that prides itself on encouraging volunteerism among its employees. Dominion employees in Virginia logged more than 100,000 hours of community service during 2014, according to company statements. Adams, a groundman based in the Chuckatuck offices of Dominion Virginia Power, contributed many of those hours himself, and his off-duty activities have earned him recognition as one of the company’s volunteers of the year.

A member of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve who has been deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan and returned home when others didn’t, Adams is heavily involved in veterans affairs, visiting patients at the VA hospital, helping to clean and place wreaths on veterans graves at Suffolk’s Oaklawn Cemetery and working with organizations whose mission is to help ease the transition of veterans back into civilian life. He’s a member of the Dominion Veterans Network and has worked with VFW posts to honor vets.

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But he’s also been active in non-veteran volunteer opportunities, spending time at a church and an elementary school teaching children and adults about power line safety and telling them a little about what linemen do and what it’s like to work to restore power following natural disasters.

Add to all of those volunteer efforts the fact that he’s a full-time student at Tidewater Community College, is married with three children, serves in the Marine Corps Reserve and works a job at Dominion that frequently requires him to respond during his time off and Adams becomes — at the very least — a clear case study in effective time management.

He’s also a great example of selfless service. He’s clearly an employee Dominion is honored to have on its payroll, and he’s a person Suffolk should be proud to call its own.