Police reports for April 17-19

Published 8:40 pm Monday, April 20, 2015

The following information comes directly from the City of Suffolk Department of Media and Community Relations. It should be noted that a criminal charge is only an accusation and does not indicate a conviction has or will be attained nor that the party listed in the arrest report is guilty of the crime listed.

April 17


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Petit larceny, Faulk Road

Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, Apple Street

Lost or stolen, South Lloyd Street

Abandoned vehicle, Lancelot Drive

Counterfeiting, Wellons Street

Break and enter, residential, Nansemond Parkway

Grand larceny, Carolina Road

Disorderly conduct, East Washington Street

Break and enter, residential, Hardy Drive

Larceny, shoplifting, College Drive

Annoying phone calls, West Wexford Drive

City report of property damage, Dennis Place

Simple domestic assault, Stonewall Court

Bomb threat, Maple Street

Petit larceny, Baltic Street

Simple domestic assault, Indian Point Road

Drugs/narcotic offenses, Wilson Street


Murphy Lovell Bethea, 45, assault and battery of family member (M)

Darrin Winslow Holmes, 44, contempt of court (M)

Matthew Davis Fink, 33, revocation of suspended sentence (F)

Debra Elaine Holcomb, 59, concealment, price alter merchandise less than $200 (M)

Bruce K. Mims, 61, assault and battery of family member (M)

Kenneth Lamont Ruffin, 45, urinating in public (M)

Richard John Pitscheneder, 38, public intoxication (M)

April 18


Simple assault, East Washington Street

Embezzlement, College Drive

Hit and run, Saint James Avenue/Smith Street

Simple domestic assault, Lee Street

Driving under the influence of alcohol, Holland Road

Vandalism of private property, Hillpoint Road

Elude police, I-664/College Drive

Vandalism of private property, Nancy Drive

Vandalism of private property, Sadler Pond Drive

Tampering with vehicle, Freeney Avenue

Petit larceny, College Drive

Hit and run, property damage, West Washington Street

Possess prescription drugs, Grayson Court

Hit and run, Route 58/Pruden Boulevard

Petit larceny, Raleigh Avenue

Destruction of property, Kings Highway

Possession of marijuana, West Constance Road

Petit larceny, Greenfield Crescent


Charles Anthony Vaughan, 47, public intoxication (M)

James Edward Francis, 53, assault and battery of family member (M)

Lavon Shawndell Dixon, 22, embezzlement more than $200 (F)

Stephanie Nicole Candelaria, 30, driving under the influence of alcohol, third or subsequent offense (F)

Terence Jerome Eley, 49, assault and battery of family member (M)

Ashley Sharonda Holden, 27, accessory before the fact in a felony (F)

Edward Lee Mizell, 35, grand larceny (F)

Susan Lynn Munford, 49, leash law violation (M)

Kevin Lee Harmon, 45, revocation of suspended sentence (F)

Patricia Ann Patillo, 31, failure of bailee to return property more than $200 (F)

April 19


Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, Forest Oak Lane

Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, West Washington Street

Simple assault, Wellons Street

Simple assault, Millstone Court

Simple assault, Freeney Avenue

Simple domestic assault, Nansemond Parkway

Simple domestic assault, Nansemond Parkway

Simple domestic assault, Charles Street

Simple assault, Holland Road

Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, South Broad Street

Petit larceny, Bute Street

Simple assault, Greenfield Crescent

Larceny, shoplifting, College Drive

Petit larceny, Vineyard Lane

Hit and run, Brook Avenue

Possession of marijuana, Pughsville Road


Lashawna Stacy Gardner, 31, driving under the influence of alcohol, third or subsequent offense (F)

Oliver William Hoffler, 54, assault and battery of family member (M)

Brandon Scott Harber, 31, contempt of court (M)

McKinley Morrison, 23, concealment, price alter of merchandise less than $200 (M)

Ciara Eley, 23, concealment, price alter of merchandise less than $200 (M)

M – Misdemeanor

F – Felony