Suffolk should support ‘Clean Water’

Published 7:21 pm Friday, February 6, 2015

To the editor:

From your recent story “Input sought on pollution plan,” it is evident that Suffolk’s priority is protecting the waterways from pollution. On Feb. 4, a joint hearing attacked the EPA’s Waters of the U.S. rule, which is intended to close loopholes in the Clean Water Act.

This rule would protect the 28,000 miles of streams in Virginia, including Chuckatuck Creek and Brewers Creek, that are vulnerable to unchecked pollution.

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I would like to thank Lue Ward Jr. of Suffolk City Council, as he has enthusiastically showed support by signing a letter urging Senator Tim Kaine to stand up for the rule. But there is still more to be done.

Like many Virginians, my love for the Chesapeake began with childhood vacations on the shore, but it continues to grow as I learn how vital clean waterways are to our health, economy and environment.

That is why it is imperative that all Virginians voice their support for the restoration of Clean Water Act protections to all streams and wetlands in our state. 
To protect the Bay, local streams and the livelihood of Suffolk, residents must demand that Senator Kaine speak out publicly in support of clean water.

Julia Keane

Environment Virginia