Canvass completed

Published 9:26 pm Saturday, November 8, 2014

Canvass: Members of the Suffolk Electoral Board — from left, John Nemish, Les Ward and Beverly Outlaw — prepare to complete the canvassing process on Friday.

Canvass: Members of the Suffolk Electoral Board — from left, John Nemish, Les Ward and Beverly Outlaw — prepare to complete the canvassing process on Friday.

Suffolk’s electoral board finished its post-election canvass on Friday afternoon after meeting at noon to determine the status of provisional ballots.

A handful of provisional ballots were cast at the polls by voters who did not have proper photo identification. They had until noon Friday to bring proper ID to the voter registrar’s office, where they also could have obtained a free photo voter ID.

Nine of the 47 provisional ballots submitted in Suffolk were accepted, according to registrar Susan Saunders.

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The canvass process was completed just after noon on Friday, even though the deadline is next Tuesday. During the canvass, each locality reviews and verifies the accuracy of the results reported on election night.

Statewide, 3,622 Virginia voters were issued a provisional ballot on Election Day. Of those, 773 were issued because of photo ID problems. The rest were issues with the voter’s registration status.

To date, 3,804 free voter photo ID cards have been issued, according to the State Board of Elections. Of those issued in Suffolk, many were done on Election Day so the voter could vote a non-provisional ballot,  Saunders said.