Mitnick: A new perspective’
Published 8:15 pm Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Sleepy Hole Borough School Board candidates
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Suffolk News-Herald has invited candidates for all of the city’s contested offices to submit 400-word columns soliciting the votes of Suffolk citizens on Election Day. A different race will be highlighted on this page each day through Thursday. All of the candidates were notified of the opportunity at the same time via email, and follow-up telephone calls were made to verify receipt of the emails. Today’s page features the School Board special election in the Sleepy Hole Borough, which pits incumbent James Perkinson against challengers Charles Leavell and David Mitnick. All three candidates’ columns appear below. Tomorrow’s installment will include columns from each of the candidates for the City Council seat from the Suffolk Borough.
By David Mitnick
My name is David Mitnick, and I am running for School Board in the Special Election in Sleepy Hole Borough on Nov. 4, 2014. I am writing to ask for your support.
I stand prepared to serve the students, parents, faculties, staff, and administration of Suffolk Public Schools as a School Board member. I have spent my entire adult life preparing for this time and place. I have the passion, experience, dedication and available time to address the critical issues facing Suffolk Public Schools.
I pledge to provide a new perspective to the position of School Board member.
What can the citizens of Suffolk/Sleepy Hole Borough do to resolve the issues that have been raised throughout this campaign (teacher retention, commensurate salaries, accountability, transportation and accreditation)?
First, be informed. Read the paper. Read the comments that individuals write in response to an article or editorial. Second, exercise your right as a citizen of the United States of America to vote.
This is an election year where there are three contested races for School Board and three contested races for City Council. Remember that it takes the School Board and City Council, working cooperatively, to increase funding for Suffolk Public Schools, allowing for an increase in salary for all employees, to a level commensurate with neighboring cities.
Examine the position of the candidates on education in the city of Suffolk and vote for the individuals who have pledged to support raises for teachers and all school system employees.
For more information on who I am, why I am running for School Board in Sleepy Hole Borough, and what I will work toward, once elected, please visit me on my Facebook page “David Mitnick for School Board” or reference election details in the Suffolk News-Herald archives.
It is important that you vote on Nov. 4. In Suffolk, this is not a time for registered voters to leave the decisions up to their family, friends and neighbors. The choices to be made are too important. The voting booth is one place where a single individual, with an informed choice, can make a difference.
I’ll see you on Election Day.