Police reports for Oct. 17-19
Published 8:16 pm Monday, October 20, 2014
The following information comes directly from the City of Suffolk Department of Media and Community Relations. It should be noted that a criminal charge is only an accusation and does not indicate a conviction has or will be attained nor that the party listed in the arrest report is guilty of the crime listed.
October 17
Lost or stolen property, North Broad Street and West Washington Street
Larceny – shoplifting, North Main Street
Lost or stolen property, Holland Road
Possession of marijuana, Lee Street
Larceny – shoplifting, Holland Road
Hit and run, Hampton Roads Parkway
Theft from a motor vehicle, River Crescent
Grand larceny, Airport Road
Hit and run, College Drive
Credit card/ATM fraud, Bridge Road
Counterfeiting, North Main Street
Liquor law violations, Wellons Street
Petit larceny, North Main Street
Hit and run, Holland Road
Petit larceny, West Washington Street
Forgery, Brookwood Drive
Drunk in public, North Main Street
Crystalyn Amber Richards, 32, driving under the influence of alcohol
Sha’coa Taneil Black, 28, driving under the influence of alcohol (M)
Michael Kevin Pugh, 51, contempt of court (M)
Bennie Antonio White, 48, trespassing (M)
Quantez Demont Russell, 29, fugitive from justice (F)
John Edward Kauppinen, 52, simple assault and battery (M)
Gabriel Jordan Cochrane, 20, revocation of suspended sentence (F)
Joshua Ayers Songer, 19, concealment, price alter of merchandise valued at less than $200 (M)
Scott Michael Castello, 27, driving after forfeiture of license (M)
Jerry Sylvester Butler, 53, simple assault and battery (M)
David Rodriguez, 56, noise violation (M)
Zachary Taylor Gomer, 20, public intoxication (M)
Zachary Taylor Gomer, 20, unlawful purchase or possession of alcoholic beverage (M)
John Thomas Pork, 47, forging and uttering (F)
Ebony Brandice White, 33, noise violation – loud music (M)
Cami Elaine Lee, 28, maintaining a common nuisance (M)
October 18
Simple assault, East Washington Street
Petit larceny, Manning Road
Simple assault, Holladay Street
Simple assault, Cedar Street
Undetermined death, Collier Crescent
Brandishing a firearm, East Washington Street
Simple domestic assault, Palmyra Drive
Simple domestic assault, Sussex Court
Vandalism of private property, College Court
Grand larceny, West Washington Street
Lost or stolen property, Driver Lane and Kings Highway
Simple assault, Freeney Avenue
Simple assault, Cypress Chapel Road
Vandalism of private property, Foxworth Circle
Destruction of property, Carolina Road
Hit and run with property damage, East Washington Street
Hit and run with property damage, Babbtown Road
Larceny – shoplifting, North Main Street
Ramel Davon Holland, 32, driving under the influence of alcohol (M)
David Rodriguez, 56, distribute or sell for profit Schedule I or II drugs (F)
Darren C. Cuyos, 22, public intoxication (M)
Calvin Jerrodd Sanders, 27, assault and battery of a family member (M)
Christopher Erhardt Leggett, 46, petit larceny (M)
Keith Albert Whitehead, 24, revocation of suspended sentence (F)
Kionna Lorraine Moret, 26, leash law violation (M)
Polly Sawyer Wilkins, 58, grand larceny (F)
Cynthia Laverne Scott, 58, concealment, price alter of merchandise valued at less than $200 (M)
Sheila Dianne Greene, 53, public intoxication (M)
Larry Darnell Wilson, 27, shooting in the commission of a felony (F)
Terri Ann Eley, 32, possession of marijuana (M)
William Cordarro White, 26, possession of marijuana (M)
Ryan Morris Powers, 27, hit and run with personal injury (F)
Terrence Darnell Braxton, 52, driving under the influence of alcohol (M)
October 19
Aggravated assault, Forest Oak Lane
Simple assault, Pinner Street
Concealed weapon, Cambridge Drive West and McLauren Drive
Vandalism of private property, Collier Crescent
Petit larceny, Chestnut Street
Simple domestic assault, Crittenden Road
Threaten bodily harm, North Main Street
Vandalism of private property, Oak Street
Simple domestic assault, Colonial Drive
Larceny – shoplifting, College Drive
Petit larceny, Bank Street
Destruction of property, Pughsville Road
Simple assault, Nansemond Parkway
Breaking and entering into a residence, Pinewood Circle
Derrick Lavell Parker, 24, brandishing a firearm (M)
Tammy Gordon, 44, driving under the influence of alcohol (M)
Darius Jawaun Garner, 18, selling or possessing blackjacks (M)
James Thomas Moscato, 44, leash law violation (M)
M – Misdemeanor
F – Felony