Police reports for Oct. 3-5

Published 9:16 pm Monday, October 6, 2014

The following information comes directly from the City of Suffolk Department of Media and Community Relations. It should be noted that a criminal charge is only an accusation and does not indicate a conviction has or will be attained nor that the party listed in the arrest report is guilty of the crime listed.

October 3


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Hit and run with property damage, Drive Lane and Bennetts Pasture Road

Animal bite, Respass Beach Road and James Avenue

Grand larceny, Custis Road

Simple domestic assault, Garfield Avenue

Destruction of property, Franklin Street

Theft from a motor vehicle, East Constance Road

Theft from a motor vehicle, Macarthur Drive

Larceny – pocket picking, North Main Street

Larceny – shoplifting, College Drive

Petit larceny, West Constance Road

Possession of marijuana, North Main Street

Annoying phone calls, Smith Street

Hit and run, South Quay Road

Vandalism of private property, Wekiva Avenue


Monesha Lamb, 18, simple assault and battery (M)

Clinique Joyon Lacour, 19, assault and battery of a family member (M)

Larry Darnell Wilson, 27, trespassing on a railroad train (M)

Moniqua Shawnt’a Mann, 29, simple assault and battery (M)

Cassandra Eure, 22, simple assault and battery (M)

Deatra Eure, no age given, simple assault and battery (M)

Sheena Lavonda Eure, 21, simple assault and battery (M)

Harrison Wilson, 31, forging and uttering (F)

Kenneth Roderick Griffin, 50, trespassing (M)

October 4


Resist arrest, Portsmouth Boulevard

Runaway juvenile, Battery Avenue

Simple domestic assault, South Main Street

Simple assault, North Main Street

Theft from a motor vehicle, Sports Club Run

Vandalism of private property, Arizona Avenue

Runaway juvenile, Stoney Ridge Avenue

Bomb Threat, North Main Street

Animal bite, College Drive

Natural death, Whaleyville Boulevard

Vandalism of private property, Indian Trail

Grand larceny, Truman Road

Injured person, East Constance Road

Vandalism of private property, Waters Avenue

Lost or stolen property, Smith Street

Natural death, Skeet Road

Simple assault, Second Avenue

Violate protective order, Godwin Boulevard


Travis Terrill Artis, 32, assault and battery of a family member – third offense (F)

Brandon Lavon Artis, 26, possess with intent to manufacture or sell Schedule I or II drugs (F)

William Aaren Johnson, 42, assault and battery of a family member (M)

Direll Lamar Jackson, 29, contempt of court (M)

Stephanie Deneese Lomax, 46, noise violation – loud music (M)

William Aaren Johnson, 42, violate protective order (M)

October 5


Possession of marijuana, East Constance Road

Attempted suicide Timberneck Arch

Simple assault, South 4th Street

Possession of marijuana, Liberty Street

Simple assault, Second Avenue

Armed robbery, Holland Road

Grand larceny, West Riverview Drive

Grand larceny, Burbage Landing Circle

Embezzlement, North Main Street

Larceny – shoplifting, North Main Street

Larceny – shoplifting, North Main Street

Undetermined death, Cullodan Street

Grand larceny, Lake Road

Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute

Vandalism of private property, Charles Street

Larceny – shoplifting, College Drive

Vandalism of private property, Pughsville Road

Strong-armed robbery, East Washington Street

Simple domestic assault, Kilby Avenue

Simple domestic assault, Manning Road


John P. Julian, 49, possession of marijuana (M)

Daywone Byrone Collier, 25, possession of marijuana (M)

Lisa Joy O’Leary, 47, driving under the influence of alcohol (M)

Yvonne Wakita Williams, 19, disorderly conduct (M)

Travis Lamont Boykins, 32, violate protective order (F)

Justin Henderson, 26, driving under the influence of alcohol (M)

Travis Lamont Cary, 23, simple assault and battery (M)

Rachael Nicole Adinolfi, 23, concealment, price alter of merchandise valued at less than $200 (M)

Michael Austin Ward, 31, contempt of court (M)

Antonio Lee Hardee, 22, disorderly conduct (M)

M – Misdemeanor

F – Felony