Busy Red Ribbon week planned
Published 8:05 pm Saturday, October 24, 2009
The following activities are planned at tat area schools during Red Ribbon Week beginning Monday, Oct. 26:
Booker T. Washington Elementary School: Monday – Decoration Day. Display posters, balloons and banners with drug-free messages in halls and cafeteria. Give a brief history of National Red Ribbon Week during the morning announcements. Tuesday – Red Ribbon Pledge Day. Place Just Say No Pledge and Ways To Say No posters in classrooms. Give a drug-related message during the morning announcements. Distribute educational materials to teachers to be used in the classrooms. Wednesday – Wear Red / Spirit Dress Day. Ask everyone to wear red clothing. Distribute pencils and stickers with drug-free messages to students, faculty, and staff. Thursday – Drug-Free Pledge Day. Have students sign drug-free pledges and display in hallways. Friday – Theme Day – Being Drug-Free Is No Sweat Day. Ask everyone to wear sweats. Have students sign drug-free certificates and pledges and display in hallways.
Creekside Elementary School: Monday – Morning announcements: CNN anchors will read brief overview explaining the concept of “Red Ribbon Week,” and students will recite Red Ribbon pledge. Tuesday – Dress in Red Day. The class that wears the most red wins a treat from administration. CNN anchors will read the morning announcements and report facts on drugs and alcohol. Wednesday – Students will receive a “free” drug-free pencil donated by the Suffolk Commonwealth Attorney’s Office, to remind them to say no to drugs. CNN anchors will read morning announcements and report facts on drugs and alcohol. Thursday – Door Decorating Contest. Create a class theme that says no to drugs (2 winning classes will be selected). CNN anchors will read morning announcements and report facts on drugs and alcohol. Friday – 5th graders in Mrs. Weis’ class will recite raps, poetry, create monolog relating to “Say No to Drugs” during morning announcements.
Driver Elementary School: Monday – Be a Hero, not a Zero Day. Students will write about and/or draw their heroes. Post in hallways. Everyone wear red on this day. Tuesday – Living Drug-Free is No Sweat Day. Everyone wears sweats. Wednesday – Turn Your Back on Drugs Day. Wear your shirt backwards to school to show that we are turning our backs on drugs. Thursday – Shade Out Drugs Day. Wear sunglasses to shade out drugs. Friday – Put a Cap on Drugs Day. Wear your favorite hat to show that we are putting a cap on drugs. There will also be a “Close the Door on Drugs” door decorating contest. Each class should decorate their door to show that they are “Drug Free.” The contest will begin on Monday, and winners will be announced on Friday.
Elephant’s Fork Elementary School: Friday – Band Against Drugs Day. We will place a banner on the wall in the front hallway. Students and staff and all visitors will be asked to sign it – pledging to be drug free. This will help show the Elephant’s Fork community that we band together against drugs. Monday – Shade Out Drugs Day. Students and staff are asked to wear their sunglasses to show how bright their future is without drugs. Tuesday – Turn Your Back on Drugs Day. Students and staff are asked to wear their shirts backwards to show that they are turning their backs on drugs. Wednesday – Wear Red Day. All staff and students are asked to wear red. The red will represent Red Ribbon Week and the commitment to stay drug-free. Announcement of what Red Ribbon Week is and its history will take place during morning announcements. Thursday – Crazy Hat Day ¬¬– Hats off to Being Drug-Free. Students and staff are asked to wear their craziest hats to show that they say “hats off to being drug-free.” Friday, October 30 – Team Up Against Drugs Day. Students and staff will wear a sports jersey or shirt of a team they play for, or their favorite sports team, to show that they can “team up against drugs.” Other activities for the week include red balloons in the front hallway and on the mailbox. The “say no to drugs” message of the day will be announced with announcements. In art class, students will create an anti-drug poster or red art work to be hung throughout the building. The school will hang red ribbons throughout the building. 4Florence Bowser Elementary School: Monday – Introduction to Red Ribbon Week on intercom. Activities for the week are to be announced. School will be decorated with signs and ribbons announcing red ribbon week. Special announcements will be made throughout the week regarding Red Ribbon Week and the schools anti-drug effort. Tuesday – Turn Your Back on Drugs Day. Everyone can wear their shirts backwards to celebrate that they will make responsible choices and turn their backs on drugs. Wednesday – Red Day. Everyone wears the color red or something red to help the school remember the importance of Red Ribbon Week and the importance of being responsible and saying “no” to all drugs and drug products. Thursday – Sock it To Drugs Day. Everyone can wear crazy socks or mismatched socks to school to show that they can sock it to drugs and say “no” to all drugs. Friday – Don’t Let Drugs Sneak Up on You Day. Students wear sneakers to show that they will not let drugs sneak up on them and trick them in to using drugs.
Kilby Shores Elementary School: Monday – Announcement of what Red Ribbon Week is and its history. Red Ribbon Day. Red drug-free ribbons will be distributed to all staff and students to wear all week. Students will sign a pledge to stay drug free. Tuesday – Sock It to Drugs Day. Students and staff are asked to wear their craziest socks to show how we are “socking” it to drugs. Wednesday – Wear Red Day/Drug-Free Sticker Day. All staff and students are asked to wear red, as well as the stickers that will be distributed. Wearing red and the sticker will represent the commitment to stay drug-free. Thursday – Against Drugs: Don’t let them turn you inside out Day. Students will wear their shirts inside out to show they’re not afraid to let others know that they are drug free. Friday – Favorite Belt Day. Students and staff are asked to wear their favorite belts to show that they have buckled down and will Just Say “No” to Drugs.
Mack Benn, Jr. Elementary School: Theme: “Dream, Believe, Achieve, Succeed.” Monday – Announce via the PA system, the history and purpose of Red Ribbon Week as well as activities for the week. The school will be decorated with signs and ribbons announcing Red Ribbon Week. Faculty and staff members will wear red ribbons throughout the week. This will also be Tie Down Drugs Day. Students and staff will wear the craziest ties they can find. Teachers will read the “Just Say No” pledge to their students. Students will repeat the pledge and recite daily. Teachers will keep a daily tally of student participation. The class that has the most participation for the week will receive a special treat. Pictures will be taken of participating students for the school website. Tuesday – Sock it to Drugs Day. Everyone can wear their craziest socks or mismatched socks to school to show that they can sock it to drugs and say “no” to all drugs. Students will recite the “Just Say No” pledge. Wednesday – Red Day. Students, faculty and staff can wear as much red as possible in recognition of Red Ribbon Week. Students will recite the “Just Say No” pledge. Thursday – Team up Against Drugs Day. Students, faculty and staff wear their favorite team jersey. Students will recite the “Just Say No” pledge. Friday – Put a Cap on Drugs Day. Everyone can wear crazy or fun hats to school to show that they can put a cap on drugs. Students will recite the “Just Say No” pledge.
Northern Shores Elementary School: School wide planting of 750 red tulips: Each student will plant a red tulip bulb that will represent we can be drug free and we will “grow” to have happy, healthy lifestyles. The SCA, and Boy and Girl Scout troops are helping with preparation and pre-planting needs of the school flower beds. Families are donating the red tulip bulbs and will volunteer on the planting days which are October 27 for grades K-2, and October 28 for grades 3-5. The Rain dates are October 29-30. Each day of Red Ribbon Week the school will have dress up theme days to show a unified front against drugs and school spirit. Each homeroom will do a drug free pledge, art activity.
Nansemond Parkway Elementary School: Monday – Information Day. The History of Red Ribbon will be read during morning announcements. Tuesday – Decoration Day. The school will be decorated with red ribbons and banners. Wednesday – Red Day. Everyone will wear something red. Thursday – Write Off Drugs Day. Everyone will receive a red pencil. Friday – Students will recite the drug-free pledge and sign a pledge banner to stay drug free.
Oakland Elementary School: Monday – Red Ribbon Day. Self-stick drug-free ribbons will be distributed to all staff and students to wear all week. Tuesday – Sock It To Drugs Day. Staff and students are asked to wear their craziest socks to show how they are “Socking It” to drugs. Wednesday – Wear Red Day/Drug-Free Sticker Day. Staff and students are asked to wear red, as well as the stickers that will be distributed. Wearing red and the sticker will represent the commitment to stay drug-free. Thursday – Team Up Against Drugs Day. Staff and students are asked to wear a sports jersey from their favorite sports team or a shirt from the team they play for to show that we can “Team Up Against Drugs.” Friday – Crazy Hat Day – Hats Off To Being Drug-Free Day. Staff and students are asked to wear their craziest hats to show that they say “Hats Off To Being Drug-Free.”
Southwestern Elementary School: Monday – Shade out Drugs Day. Students and staff are asked to wear their sunglasses to show how bright their future is without drugs. Tuesday – Tie Down Drugs Day. Students and staff are asked to wear their craziest ties to show that they tie down drugs. Wednesday – Wear Red Day. All staff and students are asked to wear red. The red will represent Red Ribbon Week and the commitment to stay drug-free. Announcement of what Red Ribbon Week is and its history will take place during morning announcements. Thursday – Hugs not Drugs day. Students are asked to bring in their favorite stuffed animal to show hugs are better than drugs. Friday – Team Up Against Drugs Day. Students and Staff will wear a sports jersey or shirt of a team they play for, or their favorite sports team, to show that we can “team up against drugs.” Other activities at the school include red balloons in the front hallway and on the mailbox. The “say no to drugs” message of the day will be announced with announcements. In art class, students will create an anti-drug poster or red art work to be hung throughout the building. Staff and students will hang red ribbons throughout the building. The school will encourage the community education partners to support Red 4Forest Glen Middle School: There will be a writing contest at the school with the theme “What does it mean to be an individual and Just Say No To Drugs?” Monday – Sign a grade level proclamation to “Stay Drug Free.” Tuesday – Wear Red to be part of a Drug Free Community. The classroom wearing the most Red wins a cookie at lunch. Wednesday – Crazy Hair Day. Make your individuality count. Thursday – Read a Drug Free Book to your class. Friday – Door Decorating Contest. The most original classroom door wins an Ice Cream Social. Writing Contest Winner will receive a prize of a $20 gift card. Pictures will be taken during the week.
John F. Kennedy Middle School: Monday – Banner Day. All homeroom classes will have the opportunity to participate in a Door Decorating Contest embracing this year’s national theme, ‘Drug Free is the Key!’ The winning classroom will receive a treat. The school will post banners in the cafeteria, and students can sign the banners for affirmation against drugs. Tuesday – Red Hat Day. Students and staff/faculty are invited to wear red hats in observance of the schools anti-drug stance. Parents are invited to eat lunch with students in recognition of Red Ribbon Week. Wednesday – Red Day. Students and staff/faculty are encouraged to wear all red in recognition of Red Ribbon week. Thursday – We CAN Be Drug-free! Day. Any student who brings 1 canned food item to school will receive special wolverine bucks. All can donations will be given to the Suffolk Homeless Shelter to reach out against drugs. Friday – Drug-Free Sticker Day. All students and staff/faculty are encouraged to wear drug-free stickers or paraphernalia in honor of Red Ribbon Week. Terrence Alston and other Family Systems staff will share drug prevention information in the cafeteria during lunch periods.
John Yeates Middle School: Monday – Sign Grade Level Pledge Poster. Announcement over PA about Red Ribbon week and meaning behind it. Pledge signs will be posted in front hallway to show support of Red Ribbon week. Tuesday – Tie Down Drugs Day. Everyone will wear their favorite/crazy tie to show that John Yeates can ‘tie down drugs.’ Wednesday – Team Up Against Drugs Day. Everyone will wear their favorite sports team jersey to ‘team up’ against drugs/alcohol. Thursday – Red and Black Day. Everyone will wear red and black showing school spirit. Friday – Ribbon Day. Each class/homeroom will be given small pieces of red ribbon to be worn by individual students in support of Red Ribbon week. Larger ribbons will be available to faculty/staff to wear. In addition, outside awning posts will display red ribbons.
King’s Fork Middle School: “Say No to Drug” message will be made daily over the intercom during announcements. An Anti-drug television commercial produced by Quest students will air. Wear Red Day –The class with the most red will receive an award. Drug-Free Pledge banner – This activity will be conducted through the Physical Education classes. Students can sign “I Pledge to Be Drug-Free”. Posters, banners, and red ribbons will be displayed around the school. A red ribbon will be distributed to students when they check out a book. Kick-off to Peer Mediation.
King’s Fork High School: A red ribbon week banner will be placed on the wall in the halls at school or in the cafeteria, encouraging everyone to sign a drug-free pledge. The “Bulldog Red Ribbon Pledge” will be signed at all lunch shifts on Oct. 22-23. King’s Fork High will be making a hall-long chain out of the “drug-free” pledges. The school would like to challenge the other schools in the city to see which school gets the most pledges during red ribbon week. Daily announcements will be made during the school week that will include safe and drug free information, history of red ribbon week, and anti-drug messages.
Lakeland High School: Monday – Information day. Students will be given information in the cafeteria about red ribbon week and the door-decorating contest will be announced. Tuesday – Pledge day. Students will have the opportunity to sign the banner that will hang in the school pledging to stay drug and violence free. Wednesday – Red Sock day. Students will sport their wildest red socks to “sock it” to drugs and violence. Thursday – Door decorating contest-judging day. Friday – Wear your red ribbon day.
Nansemond River High School: Monday – read a list of the weeks events, explanation/purpose of Red Ribbon Week, Red Ribbon Pledge read during morning announcements, each staff member will receive a Red Ribbon, students will also receive Red Ribbons when they pledge to be drug free. Tuesday – students and staff will wear red socks to show you’re socking it to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, decorate white socks with red ribbons and students will sign Red Ribbon Pledge. Wednesday – students continue to sign Red Ribbon Pledges. Thursday – Reach-Out Day: Say at least three positive things to someone. Reach out to a newcomer, or eat lunch with a new group of people and continue to sign Red Ribbon Pledges. Friday – Red Day (All Nansemond River Employees and students will wear red) and students pledges will be displayed in the cafeteria.