Police reports for Jan. 9

Published 10:00 pm Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 9


Petit larceny, West Constance Road

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Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, Festival Court

Simple assault — domestic, Bosley Avenue

Grand larceny, Respass Beach Road

Vandalism of private property, Lipton Circle

Motor vehicle theft, Matthew Court

Trespassing, Pruden Boulevard

Drugs, possession with intent to distribute marijuana, Kings Fork Road

Simple assault — domestic, East Constance Road

Simple assault — domestic, Godwin Boulevard

Grand larceny, North Main Street

Vandalism of private property, Stonegate Way

Possession of marijuana, Holladay Street

Simple assault, Kilby Avenue

Possess, sell, distribute drug paraphernalia, South Main Street


Thomas Joseph Vandett, 23, revocation of suspended sentence (M)

Patrick Aaron Hall, 21, assault and batter of a family member (M)

Dustin Xavier Wilkins, 33, threatening phone calls (M)

Michael Lawrence Shutrump, 33, revocation of a suspended sentence (F)

Terrell Rashard Bridgewater, 25, contempt of court (M)

James Scott Marx, 18, possession of marijuana (M)

Lynn Ann Athey, 47, assault and battery of a family member (M)

Deron Thomas Brown, 31, abuse and neglect of children reckless disregard (F)

John Edward Williams, 33, violate protective order (M)

Alphonsa Ellis Bailey, 48, assault and battery of a family member (M)

Anthoine Demetruis Jefferson, 43, contempt of court (M)

Venita David McClain, 47, possession of schedule II controlled substance (F)

M — misdemeanor

F — felony