Community help was vital to food giveaway

Published 10:41 pm Tuesday, November 30, 2010

To the editor:

We would like to express our thanks to the 30 churches and six organizations that brought and distributed food to the needy of Suffolk on Nov. 20. The many volunteers and youth that assisted the people to their cars with the food, were an example of a caring community.

The event shows Suffolk people and churches have a heart and love for the needy.

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More than 10,000 cans and boxes of food were distributed to around 700 individuals. Plus, bread, cans of coffee, cookies, and whole chickens also were given out.

Thanks to the city of Suffolk for its in-kind services and the use of Lake Meade Park. We could not have blessed the community without the police support and the great order they brought to the event. Thanks to the auxiliary Police for being so willing to help and to Officer Chris Butler for coordinating the Police Support.

Dot Dalton


Impact Suffolk