Making Troy crime-free

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 7, 1999

will take cooperation

Published Oct. 7, 1999

Though it often seems to us that the headlines about crime are smaller in small towns, the facts show that there are some things that residents of Troy should be aware of.

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Several burglaries of homes and businesses have been reported in recent weeks. The Troy Police Department has worked several of these crime scenes and has had some success at apprehending alleged criminals.

Though the police can catch criminals, they can’t always be there to stop crimes. Until the day comes when there’s enough money to provide the city of Troy with a police officer on every street corner, some break-ins are inevitable.

As the Police Department continues to investigate these crimes and works toward catching the culprit or culprits, some responsibility must rest in the hands of city residents, as property owners, good friends and good neighbors.

Lock things up. Remind your neighbors and friends to do the same. Keep an eye out for suspicious people in your neighborhoods and report them to the police. Perhaps the call will result in nothing at all. Perhaps you could save someone from losing their property as a result.

Be aware of what’s going on and don’t hesitate to call the Troy Police Department. They are working hard to make town safe, but they need your help to be successful.

By working together, we can protect lives and property.

For more information about the Troy Police Department, go to its website at, or link to it through The Messenger’s web page at