Opening our house to the public
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 5, 2002
Last week was one of those rare ones that I like to experience because positive events took place and two of them were recorded as a part of history.
History was made when the Suffolk News-Herald opened up its doors for a reception that took place at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 29, to reveal its new renovation. Of course, the doors have always been open to the public and whenever possible, we reporters would show visitors our new surroundings.
We employees are really proud of our building, and a special addition is our floral arrangement on each desk and somewhere in every room. Cathy Prutsok, the publisher’s wife, was responsible for getting those as well as a table in our beautiful new kitchen. Pictures and mirrors are also a pleasant addition to enhance our surroundings. The company responsible for this renovation is HBA Architecture Engineering Interior design from Virginia Beach and the staff is most grateful.
Many of you know how it feels when you move into a new home and you just wish someone would ring the doorbell so that you can show it off; well, that is the way that I felt when the people started pouring in. Many of them were as flabbergasted as we were with the new look because they remembered how it appeared before reconstruction.
Harvey and I are the longest employed people here; therefore, the publisher and editor, Andy Prutsok, asked us if we would do the honors and cut the ribbon. I was also honored to have been asked have not been in vain, and that Prutsok was kindhearted enough to acknowledge it.
Before the ribbon cutting, a small program dedicating the building took place that included city officials and News-Herald personnel. This program will be aired in its entirety on Suffolk Cable TV in the near future.
On Oct. 31, most of us came to work dressed in Halloween costumes and took part in a party at noon. Some of those who saw the pictures in the paper asked me what was a blitz when they saw the group picture of people taking part in this event. Those events added a little fun to many stressful days. On selected days a small group of employees in the ad departments would split up to form teams – about three of them to be exact. Each team would then create a cheer to promote ad sales. The team creating the best cheer would won a prize chosen by Rebecca Hill, advertising director.
On Nov. 1, I had the privilege to attend the Nansemond Parkway Civic League banquet where two prominent citizens were honored. This week I was going to write on the topic of banquets, but was led in another direction. However, stay tuned to read about them in the near future. I have a message for those sponsoring them to pay attention so that those attending banquets will be glad they did.
On Nov. 2, &uot;The Devil’s Funeral&uot; was a hit production and drew a large audience. I want to commend Samuel Copeland, director, for taking the time to bring this play to the community. Sponsors were Antioch UCC and Greater Sweet Beulah Apostolic Church. What was unique is that two churches of different denominations were brought together to work together. To this, Rev. Jarvis Jones said, &uot;Who said that two churches of different denominations can’t work together in the name of Jesus?&uot;
History was also made at 6 p.m. Sunday in First Baptist Church, Mahan Street when the Rev. Steven G. Blunt, was ordained as the church’s 12th minister. I am not a member, but still feel at home when visiting because I have many friends there who are members.
I have talked with Blunt on many occasions, the first one in the summer when he was going to preach his sermon as pastor-elect and many more as he was approaching the ordination.
He seems to be quite humble and a good positive figure for the young persons and the elderly as well. What I have learned of Blunt is that he has the personality and compassion to let all members and citizens of all denominations know that he is concerned about them. I have seen proof that Blunt has the qualities that will make him a dynamic young minister. He is also quite mature beyond his years. The people in attendance who witnessed this ceremony proved this Sunday night. God will surely bless all of the ministers from Suffolk and the surroundings who showed unselfish and loving support by placing their hands on him during the time of his ordaining and for welcoming him as a new leader who will be joining them in the community.
To Blunt I want to say may God be with you in your ministry and if there is anything that I or anyone on this staff can do to get your church news to the public, we are ready, willing and able to do it.
Also, keep an eye out on publications this week about the Nansemond-Parkway Banquet and &uot;The Devil’s Funeral.
Evelyn Wall is a staff writer and a regular columnist for the News-Herald.