Police reports for May 10

Published 10:14 pm Friday, May 11, 2012

May 10


Obtain money by false pretenses, North Main Street

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Runaway juvenile, White Marsh Road

Lost or stolen property, Kilby Avenue

Curse and abuse, Nancy Drive

Theft from a motor vehicle, Knotts Neck Road

Simple domestic assault, Fuller Street

Disorderly conduct, Turlington Road

Vandalism of private property, Greenfield Crescent

Credit card/ATM fraud, North Main Street

Forcible rape, no location given

Obtain money by false pretenses, North Main Street

Theft of motor vehicle parts or accessories, College Drive

Larceny – shoplifting, West Constance Road

Simple assault, East Washington Street

Simple domestic assault, Pughsville Road

Vandalism of private property, Great Fork Road

Simple domestic assault, Poplar Grove Crescent

Possession of marijuana, Prospect Road and Wilroy Road

Grand larceny, Middlecoff Lane



Tessa Lafearne Plummer, 73, curse and abuse

Hosie McKinley Williams, 54, revocation of suspended sentence

Breon Lorenzo Rodgers, 18, failure to appear on a misdemeanor charge

Arthur Edward Petty, 28, assault and battery of a family member

Timothy Dale Wadford, 47, possession of a controlled substance

Jonathan Ray Copeland, 27, possession of marijuana

Glenn Alan Alexander, 36, trespass on church or school property