It’s time to change
Published 11:26 pm Friday, March 12, 2010
Unless you’re a morning person, you’ll be sorry to hear that it’s that time of year. It’s time to set your clocks forward an hour.
Daylight-saving time begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday and will revert back to standard time the first Sunday in November. Those who forget to set their clocks ahead could be late for church or other engagements later on.
“We see a few stragglers every year, that show up late and are a little shocked,” said Brent Seusy, associate pastor at Ebenezer United Methodist Church. “People better spring forward, or they just might be left behind.”
To keep from being left behind wondering why the world has moved on without you, unless you’re going to be awake at 2 a.m., make sure to set your clocks before you check out for the night. Don’t forget about the clocks on your computers, DVD players, cars, stoves and microwaves, in case they don’t automatically adjust the time.
While you’re at it, it’s recommended that you check the batteries in your smoke detector and carbon monoxide detectors.
According to the Virginia Department of Fire Programs, the time change marks a good time to check smoke alarms, which can significantly raise your chances of surviving a fire in the home — but only if they are working.
The department recommends choosing an easy-to-remember date every six months, such as the time change, to help you remember to maintain the alarms.
At the same time that your replace the batteries, you should clean dust away from the slots so that smoke can freely enter the devices. And all smoke alarms, whether battery-powered or hard-wired, should be replaced every 10 years, officials say.
And if you’re still worried about that hour of sleep you’ll lose on Saturday night, stop. You’ll get it back on Nov. 7, when it’s time to move your clocks back an hour.