July 5, 1901
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 5, 2003
These were the headlines in The Suffolk Herald 102 years ago:
Local Heraldings
Mr. and Mrs. J.L. McLemore have returned from a two weeks’ trip to the North, their itinerary including Washington, Baltimore, Watkins’ Glen, Lake Seneca, Buffalo, and the Pan American Exposition, Niagara fall, Albany, and New York City.
— Judge Jesse B. Bernard, of Tallahassee, Fla., was in Suffolk last Wednesday on a visit to his old friend, Hon. R.L. Brewer Sr., whom he had not seen for forty-three years. Judge Bernard is a very prominent Floridian and a most companionable gentleman socially.
— Rev. John Stanly Thomas, pastor of the Suffolk Presbyterian Church, has been granted a vacation for the month of July, and will spend the time in traveling through Texas in the interest of Peace Institute, Raleigh, N.C. Mr. Thomas left her on Tuesday last for Raleigh, whence he started for the Lone Star State.
— About 5 o’clock last Wednesday afternoon a quantity of dynamite was exploded in the artesian well on the premises of the Suffolk Ice and Cold Storage Company at a depth of 650 feet below the earth’s surface. The explosion caused a considerable flow of water for a short time, and it is thought the supply will be permanent.
— An excursion will be run from Suffolk to Old Point on Friday, July 19, 1901, under the auspices of the Bethlehem Sunday School. The fare will be 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. The boat will leave Suffolk at 8 o’clock A.M.; returning – will leave Old Point at 5:30 P.M., and will stop at all wharves on the river going and returning.
An Experimental Week
Vaudeville of a refined and high class nature is all the rage now in every town of any size, and it is being used very extensively as a summer amusement. Suffolk has never had anything to amuse its people in the summer, and there is every reason why we should have some place of amusement to while away the summer evenings. To this end Manager Elam has decided to put on at the City Hall Theatre an experimental week of refined high class vaudeville, with the view of running it all summer if the first week proves a success. A complete change of program will be made each week, and some of the strongest headliners playing the southern circuit will be seen here. Aside from the many windows which are in the house, it is his idea to put in electric fans and make it the coolest place in town.
Big Cabbage
Mr. W.J. Joyner, a farmer who lives about five miles from Suffolk, present the Herald this week with the largest cabbage we have seen this season. It weighs over twelve pounds.
Entered Into Rest
On Sunday, July 7, 1901, at 3 o’clock P.M., Mrs. Mary E. Dumville, beloved wife of Mr. E. Brooks Dumville, died at the family residence, a few miles from Suffolk. Having been a great sufferer for a long time, death came as a messenger of peace, and after living a consistent Christian life, she entered into that rest that remaineth for the people of God.
Mrs. Dumville was forty-two years of ago. She leaves, besides her husband, two small children; he mother, Mrs. Mary Norfleet; three brothers – Messrs. J.H., N.G. and W.J. Norfleet; four sisters, Misses Annie and Lucy Norfleet, of Suffolk; Mrs. James Cook of Concord, N.C., and Mrs. R.K. Blair, of Charlotte, N.C., and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn their loss.
– Compiled by Stephen H. Cowles