What’s happening in Suffolk Public Schools?
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Rezoning meeting
The final public input session on the high school rezoning proposal will be held this week.
At its Jan. 15 meeting, the Suffolk School Board heard a presentation from school administrators for proposed new high school attendance zones which will take affect with the September opening of King’s Fork High School. Public input sessions were set for Jan. 21st at Lakeland High School; and again at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 29 at Nansemond River High School. The board is expected to vote on a new zoning plan at its Feb. 12 meeting. This schedule will allow juniors and seniors time to submit requests to stay at their current schools before scheduling begins in March. The Powerpoint presentation from last week’s board meeting is now posted on the Suffolk Public Schools’ website at www.spsk12.net
Even Start
New adult student orientation for the local Even Start family literacy program will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 28. Sponsored by Suffolk Public Schools, this program offers parents and primary caregivers of young children the opportunity to work toward earning a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) or to learn English as a second language. Parents attend Even Start classes with the children. Free daycare, transportation, breakfast and lunch is provided for both. The program also emphasizes parent-child together time to equip parents to be a strong &uot;first teacher&uot; for their children. The local program is called PREPP – which stands for Partnering for Reading, Educational and Parental Preparedness – and it is housed at The Pruden Center for Industry and Technology. Call Even Start director Darlene Dockery at 925-5651 for more information on the upcoming orientation.
‘Literature for All Ages’
&uot;Literature for All Ages&uot; will be presented at Mack Benn Jr. Elementary School at 6p.m. Thursday, Jan. 29, led by Renee Barry of Barnes & Noble Booksellers. The workshop is open to all parents and will focus on storytelling and literature for children of all ages. Books will be offered for sale and door prizes will be awarded. Call Patricia Spriggs at the school division’s Title 1 Parent Resource Center housed at Elephant’s Fork Elementary School at 925-5555 for more information.
Black History Month
February is Black History Month and events are being planned throughout Suffolk Public Schools to emphasize the importance of the nation’s blackheritage. They include, but are not limited to:
– Driver Elementary School is hosting a daily contest in the month of February where students answer questions about black history facts. Prizes will pertain to inventions by blacks. The school is also sponsoring an essay contest, with the PTA sponsoring the prizes. The PTA program on Tuesday, Feb. 3 (see details below) will honor black history.
– Elephant’s Fork Elementary School is featuring guest readers to share black history during story time. Deran Whitney, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Instructional Services, will read to students on Friday, Feb. 6. Dr. Milton Liverman, superintendent, will read on Tuesday, Feb. 24. Don Roberts of WAVY-TV 10 will give a black history presentation to second- and third-graders at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 10, and at 10:15 a.m. for fourth- and fifth-graders. Lakeland High School’s Steppers will present &uot;A Diverse Heritage&uot; at a date to be announced. Morning announcements will feature facts about famous blacks. Kindergarten and first-grade classes will have a door-decorating contest to reflect our diverse heritage. Second- through fifth-graders are participating in a Black Trivia Contest to be completed outside of school. The class with the most fact sheets turned in and the most correct answers will win a popcorn and movie party. Friday, Feb. 27 has been set aside as Heritage Day, where children can bring in items or dress up to reflect their heritage. Every Wednesday, staff members are encouraged to dress up to reflect their family’s heritage (Irish, Italian, German, African, etc.) Also on Feb. 27, staff members will bring in a favorite dish to reflect their heritage to share with other faculty and employees during lunch.
– Kilby Shores Elementary School will have historical notes every morning during morning announcements. The school’s annual Celebration of Achievements: A Salute to the ’70s&uot; will be held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24.
– King’s Fork Middle School is hosting a Black History Month musical assembly to be held at 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 27.
Booker T. PTA
The Booker T. Washington Elementary School PTA will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3.
Call the school at 925-5535 for more information.
Elephant’s Fork PTA
The Elephant’s Fork Elementary School PTA will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3. Call the school at 925-5555 for more information.
Musical Tribute
Driver Elementary School is doing a musical tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. each morning on the announcements. In addition, Jeanie Baird, music teacher at Driver Elementary School, will lead students in a musical tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. and other famous Black Americans at the PTA meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. Call library media specialist Deborah Vaughan at 538-5405 for more information.
Kilby Shores DARE program
Fifth-graders at Kilby Shores Elementary School will be performing for their D.A.R.E. graduation on Tuesday, Feb. 3. There will be a 9:30 a.m. performance for all students and a 7 p.m. performance for the PTA. All parents are invited to attend both performances. All D.A.R.E. graduates will be announced at the evening performance. Please come and share our enthusiasm about being drug-free! This is a great opportunity for all families to come together and share an important message!
Call music teacher Penny Key at 925-5575 for more information.
Mack Benn PTA
The Mack Benn Jr. Elementary School PTA will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 3. Call the school at 925-5645.